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Trip Reset Button (centre of instrument cluster) Battery Charge Indication.

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I have a company Octavia, the trip reset & service display button also will show battery charge level, i.e. SOC90%, with ignition off.


On my new superb, the button will reset the trip and show service info, but the battery charge indication shows, SOC---, it is not showing any level percentage, any one have any info on this please.



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Thank you for the reply, I have also only covered 130 since I picked up my Superb, I did come to the same conclusion as you, perhaps you need to get some good runs in before it starts to register.


Funnily enough I only fond this on my Company Octavia by accident a few weeks after I took delivery of it, therefore it never got looked at until I had covered about 800 miles, I will keep a check on my Superb as I put some more miles on it, let me know how you get on with yours, it would be interesting to find out.



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SOC ---% on mine too. And is like this from 5km. Now I have 2500km and still SOC---%.

I am sure it is not related to the mileage. On my first O3 it showed a percentage sice the beginning.

I can not find nothing to make it display the percentage on my new O3.

The dealer don't know about the situation, and how to solve it.


Maybe we can find something...

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Strange behaviour.

Firstly, I wasn't even aware there was an SOC display, so when I first read this thread I went and checked and like everyone else here got SOC---. That was @600 miles. This evening I was updating Columbus and so played around while waiting and now, @720 miles, it's showing SOC 0% - must fit damn good batteries to these new Superbs because even when it's flat it still works!

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Thanks for the reply, i am hoping we get a few more on this issue, it would be interesting to know how many others have the same issue, I will get mine to the main dealer at some point soon.


Checked my company Octavia this evening, SOC 80%, lowest i have seen it at is 70%.

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I don't have a Superb 3 yet but if it is anything like my Octavia # VRS, it's state of charge will be 80% all of the time.

I even tried to see if I could reduce it by using all the electrical systems I could along with start stop in coldest winter, then again with the ignition on but engine off. Could I make it budge either down or up, no.

Personally I think it's a fad, or that it is really only relevant for caravan owners who have fridges to power whilst transiting between sites etc. Just a thought but I might be on the money!

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As I said, I was oblivious to this SOC. Did I have it on my Superb II? I bought a £5 made-and-shipped-from China cigarette lighter plug-in LED volt meter on Amazon. Kept it in the cubby hole next to the steering wheel (where it now also lives in the Superb III). Seldom use it, but ideal if I want to check the voltage output of the battery to see if it was nearing needing replacement, mainly in winter whenever the starter sounded like it was struggling to fire up the diesel.

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  • 4 months later...

As some time has now passed from the first S3 deliveries, have any new owners who have taken delivery checked the SOC battery charge indication, would be interested to know if latest deliveries have had this enabled.

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