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Switchable Remaps


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Apart from Custom-Code:

REVO can be switched, but you have to buy an SPS1 Switch that's fairly expensive.

The DMS/OneClick/DervDoctor/Star et al unit actually adds and removes the map each time you switch, so it takes longer and has the downside that if it becomes disconnected when it's doing its thing, it can muller your ECU.

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You should also bear in mind that no remap is ever going to be completely invisible to the trained eye - switchable or not.

Have you thought about the RICA map in the current GB - If I were in the market that would be my choice I think.

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JBS were doing a sale until christmas i though on all REmaps, phone em for a price, lots of comeptition on prices, and don't forget JBS are'nt the only sellers of Custome code, i believe Badger bill was chucking in some free air filter or something, don't ask don't get i spose. worth shopping around
The Agent list for Custom Code is here.
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