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Vrs Asr Now As Esp?


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Hi Guys,

I have my VRS one year now (July 2002) and we all know that FWD OCty have ASR system to control wheel spin...

A known of mine bought his VRS with the ESP option...:eek:

What this ESP is about? I didn't knew that there is such option.

Is there a possibility this to be available in mid2002-2003 models?

If yes does it engage a EDL (Electronic Diff lock) function to control somehow oversteering, understeering???

I knew that ESP is only for the 4x4 Octy's where it control the torque goes back in the above conditions..

Any info??

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.....4Views 0 replies....6-0....10-0.....Tavia comes...:D :D

(I knew it)....and 15-1 reply from him....:D

Thanks Tavia,

However what is the main difference to ASR then? Does the ESP (VRS ver) operates not only when accelerating hard?

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WRC does indeed come with ESP.

ASR (anti slip regulation) is traction control - wheel spins and it cuts back the power until traction is regained. Consists of wheel slip sensors (from ABS) compared with rear wheel speed.

ESP (electronic skid prevention) - in understeer or oversteer it brakes individual wheels to correct, will pull back power as last resort but not often, feels like a "hand of god" pointing the car in the right direction, can allow you to turn "very" tight as brakes an inside rear wheel in understeer situations. Consists of wheel slip sensors (from ABS), yaw sensor, steering input sensor. Yaw sensor is only lateral movement, can be confused by excessive vertical movement.

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..and to answer the question, no, not only when accelerating, it works all the time.

I find it more able to control any situation with throttle, as if it wants to slow one corner, it helps to have power at the opposite corner, but not driven a 2wd car with ESP.

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:confused: Too much electronics...


Comparing this to a FWD LSD change?

My scope is safe and fast cornering...:D :D (on good road conditions).


Is there a case someone to fit it now? or too much money for little.

Thanks for your replies.

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I assume it can be retro fitted, but would be expensive. It's *very* good in snow but other than that is not essential.

EDL (electronic differential lock) is a very crude ABS based system, it litterally brakes one wheel when it senses it's spinning more than the other side, this operates at the front only. Incidentally, the lambo Gallardo has it!!

I think a few of the more "track focused" RS drivers have looked into proper LSD's - seem to recall Des looking into it in detail. The "problem" with LSD's is a an aggressive LSD thats perfect on track may be a handful on less than perfect roads - find some road tests of the Focus RS - I believe that suffers in that way.

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Rob - I think you're right, but seen it written as both.

Colin - ASR flashes the light, EDL is like someone hitting the driveshafts with a hammer - loud clunking \ banging - you'll know! In 2wd I can get it to fire up quite easily. ASR will probably cut in first - turn it off and see if you can wheelspin just one wheel, put it on grass or something?

Problem with FabRS is that with all that torque, little weight and little wheels, even on perfect dry tarmac you can spin the wheels in 1st, 2nd and only regain grip in third!

(allegedly, ahem)

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Had my first ESP experience yesterday (which did not involve LSD, and certainly not a LSD :D ) and found that it indeed works the brakes and the throttle and what have you at the same time.

Pretty stupid stuff by myself was necessary to have it jump in - was coming into a 90-deg corner in the wet, being one gear too high for the corner but necessary to make the traffic light just before it ( :rolleyes: ), when I found that I'd got into the turbo lag zone, thus preventing me to get through the corner big on the throttle, with the Haldex turning the car around.

So I was understeering big-time towards a lamp post that wasn't quite intent on moving aside when the throttle was momentarily clipped and the ABS disproportionately cut in on the left side of the car. And here I was, being guided in exactly the direction my steering wheel was pointing at. It was as if the car had eyes of its own...

Another hard lesson learned on silly bravery, and thank you for ESP, VAG! :thumbup:

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