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Skoda,you owe me/Briskoda


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Sold another one for them.That takes my list of accepted recommendations up to seven.On Skodas behalf I have offloaded

1 vRS Octavia (ok ,I bought that)

1 Fabia 1.4 Classic

1 Fabia vRS (ok,for the wife)

1 Superb 2.5 TDi

1 Octavia II 2.0 tdi Elegance

1 Superb 1.9TDi

1 Octavia II Ambiente (heard about this one yesterday).

A free key ring or something would be nice for the

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You see, adverts on TV only do so much - If it weren't for word of mouth which Brisky is (ultimately) Skoda sales wouldn't be as high as they are.

See Skoda? You should see us as a bit of promotion for you guys, not people trying to do over a major vehicle manufacturer! ;) :P

Laurence - I think all you deserve is a half-kilo block of mild cheddar. :P :rofl:

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I think I can safely win this :rolleyes:

My taxi company has 130 cars' date=' about 100 of which are Skodas, I do all the purchasing!! :D

P.S. I quite like that wenslydale with cranberries in!!![/quote']

Sorry, what I ment was 112 cars. :rolleyes:

Or 1 more than anyone else. :P

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I'm on my way, 1 sold to me and two colleagues interested in an Octy 2 Elegance once their leases are up!

Vauxhall owe me £36k worth of loyalty points too after purchasing three Astravans for the company (won't be doing that again)

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I have personally bought four and helped my son buy his ......lost count of how many people I have sent off to the nearest Skoda garage.

If we stopped reccomending them and started a "diss Skoda" campaign I'm willing to bet the prices would soon start falling.....wake up Skoda...we are trying to help you ....how about helping us

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