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Have I brought a sewing machine?

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Same here, so it must be a characteristic of these engines, that does not explain clearly what it actually is thought!


Well it is kind of bothering not knowing if it's ok or not. The only annoying part of the noise for me is in low revs and under light acceleration when you can clearly hear the rattle.


Could take it in for a check out but I already know the techs reaction will be 'That's perfectly normal, nothing to worry about', even if there really is something wrong. From my experience they will only touch it if something breaks or stops working...

Edited by PekoSI
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Well it is kind of bothering not knowing if it's ok or not. The only annoying part of the noise for me is in low revs and under light acceleration when you can clearly hear the rattle.


Could take it in for a check out but I already know the techs reaction will be 'That's perfectly normal, nothing to worry about', even if there really is something wrong. From my experience they will only touch it if something breaks or stops working...


My description was what I'd expect a dealer to tell you, we need to work harder on this!

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