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Hi all, looking to purchase a Fabia VRS this week.:thumbup: :thumbup: Quick question though- i am going black magic with metallic finish- what is the pearlescent finish like?:confused: Any piccys? Any help would be appreciated- been quoted

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I can't wait to get my hands on the VRS. I have now placed a deposit and the car is due to arrive next friday- in time for christmas. I have read different opinions of running in. First 500 miles around 1300 revs- is this about right. What is the best oil to use for the ngine- any particular favourite. On test drive there seemed to be a lot of road noise from the tyres- which is the best tyre to purchase on standard rims? Lots of questions-any help would be appreciated:)

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Running in instructions are in the Owner's Manual and reproduced somewhere on here. Have fun searching (or click on the second thread below). The right oil is any from the list in first the thread below. My advice is to get some from the dealer when you pick up the car. That way you won't be hunting around for oil when you need it.



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