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190DSG (l&k) on order, anyone have one, and have something nice to say?


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The roof is pretty cool. I wouldn't have specced it as £1150 buys you a lot of toys, sorry, options, but it is amazing. Now I've got it, I love it. Floods the cabin with light. No idea what it's like open, it's far too cold for that at the moment!

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It wasn't optional on the L&K, but I think it's actually a fairly expensive extra. Sure it gets extra light in the interior, but as a driver, most of the roof is behind your head. And it's certainly not the standout feature, as all other cars I've been looking at, had it as well ;).

But, it's sure a nice to have feature!


Actually I took a long time choosing between:

Superb L&K

Octavia RS

Jaguar XE


Ford Mondeo Clipper


Most people are surprised I picked the Superb over all of these, but it was the car which seemed to make the most sense to me.

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