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Build Time

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If you mean putting all the parts together then I thought it was about two days maybe three.

But a lot of the components will arrive at the assembly line already built, i.e. the front end complete with lights etc.

Edited by philsmith
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That's one hell of a Hornet's nest your kicking there....... :D


Joking aside, I'd also go with a few days from start to finish. 


Lots of the sub assemblies like doors, dashboards and drivetrain are built simultaneously or beforehand on parallel lines. 


Delivery times and build weeks? There's that Hornet's nest again......

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just type " skoda superb production " in YouTube - only shows making of Superb 2 though


There are indeed some mk2 videos (including a rather long one!). That said, there is a video of the S3 production that you can watch, though it's "only" five minutes long. It's still interesting though and even features a magnetic brown car. You can see it on YouTube here. :thumbup:

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