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Combi raised boot / Spare Wheel

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When did people stop saying "estate" and start using "combi" to describe the former? Anyway, boot floot floor is not raised but i wouldnt bother with the dual layer boot as its more of an annoyance than anything useful. It also weighs a ton, is difficult to manouvre and im thinking about having it removed full stop.

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Combi is what it's called everywhere except UK, new one on me too though! However it actually makes more sense than estate as it's a combination between a car and van...estate has always seemed a weird term to me..

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Probably because british people as a whole don't like to make a fuss, so meaningless code letters are preferred to meaningless quasi-asprirational names.

For us it's bad ennough that the car is called a Superb in the first place lol!

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It can't be a name that's actually a thing, unless that thing could have appeared in a period drama about the British Empire, or it's a foreign thing that we've never heard of ;-)

Edited by JimK8
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Hi, I have a Chicken Teriyaki on order hopefully being delivered early March. I have ordered a spare wheel

Does this mean the boot floor is raised?

Need to order a boot liner and want to be sure it will fit.



The temporary spare wheel on the Superb Estate/Combi/Chicken Teriyaki is a normal steel spare on cars with the normal boot, I believe it's a 205 width tyre but don't quote me on that. If you specify the variable boot floor AND/OR the 280 4x4, it has to be a skinny space saver spare wheel. 


Either way, in response to the OP's question. The floor is only raised if you intentionally specify that variable boot floor I mentioned. 



I flip flop between Combi and Estate depending on whether I have sugar in my coffee or not. Today, it is most definitely a Combi. 

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