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Hungry stereo!!

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This morning my head unit has eaten a CD and won't spit it back out. Anyone else had this - standard STREAM unit. When I press the eject button it just switches to the display showing the CD's in the auto changer. If I press it again it just displays CD ERROR and then starts to play the damn thing!! Trip to the dealer I believe :mad:

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This morning my head unit has eaten a CD and won't spit it back out. Anyone else had this - standard STREAM unit. When I press the eject button it just switches to the display showing the CD's in the auto changer. If I press it again it just displays CD ERROR and then starts to play the damn thing!! Trip to the dealer I believe :mad:

Unit made by Visteon - I've seen a few CD mechanism concerns with them lately. Dealer should replace unit and send defective iteb back through their warranty syste and eventually the supplier who will investigate cause with CD in situ. Supplier will expertly remove disc and return to your dealer who will contact you when it arrives. Dealer should no attempt manual extraction a supplier warranty will be void.

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This morning my head unit has eaten a CD and won't spit it back out. Anyone else had this - standard STREAM unit. When I press the eject button it just switches to the display showing the CD's in the auto changer. If I press it again it just displays CD ERROR and then starts to play the damn thing!! Trip to the dealer I believe :mad:

I had a similar situation. After leaving things alone for a bit I was then able to eject the CD. Problem has not recurred.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh no............ CD ERROR has returned although this time I like the CD that's in.


Car going to stealers tomorrow who need to "see" the error message before ordering new head unit.

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