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Handsfree issues using Xperia M4

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Hi, I am having major problems when using an Xperia M4 with the Columbus unit. The volume is far too low - not only that but every time you either make or receive a call the volume is on 50% and inaudible. So the first thing you have to do every time is scroll the volume up to max, but even then it is not very loud. If parked it is manageable but with any significant road noise I am bending down towards the door speaker!

I have googled it of course and I have seen a lot of posts on forums of this problem with this handset on various BT units. I have an iPhone too and it works perfect...

Question is, has anybody else experienced this problem and maybe found a 3rd part app to enhance the sound? There are loads out there - I paid for one but it doesn't really work. Personally I think it is whatever noise cancelling technology the Sony handset uses is screwing up the experience.

Any help is appreciated


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If I am correct the SIII is like the SII in that you can go into settings to set the volume for all the bits, like nav, phone etc. I am sure it is in the manual.

Edited by Danny 57
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In the Sound Settings menu (press menu button then scroll to speaker icon) there is a settting Bluethooth audio where you can select low / medium / high (or something like that I'm going from memory). Try selecting the high setting.

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In the Sound Settings menu (press menu button then scroll to speaker icon) there is a settting Bluethooth audio where you can select low / medium / high (or something like that I'm going from memory). Try selecting the high setting.

I haven't got that setting mate - tried the sound settings menu and the Bluetooth settings menu.

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I haven't got that setting mate - tried the sound settings menu and the Bluetooth settings menu.


Menu item doesn't appear unless the phone is connected. If you have connected the phone through Bluetooth and you still don't get that menu I have no idea. Also, just reembered it's in the sub menu Volume.


So press the Menu button. Scroll to speaker icon (select it), then go to the Volume menu and you should get a Blutooth audio setting if the phone is connected.

Edited by l4wrence
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Thanks mate, I found it - unfortunately it was already set to loud, but thanks for all your help. :-(


Damn, don't think there is much else you can do then.

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