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SE-L Lumber support

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For the lecky passenger ? Personally I would say no. My Mrs had enough trouble messing with the manual seats. Once set it never moves.

If you mean for the lumbar support ? Tricky. Electric def has more scope for adjustment... I'll now out now and have a play..

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Thanks Nick, thought that might be the case. Question is, is it worth £550 to upgrade!?


Depends if anyone who will be sitting in it suffers with back issues, if they do then it is well worth the money.


If I sit in any seat with manual lumbar support for more than 30 mins I am in agony, so far the furthest I have done in my S2 and S3 (both with electric lumbar support) is about 6 hours non stop and I don’t get an issue with my back.


We had spec (and pay £500ish) for our L&K Yeti to have  full electric adjustment... but it was money well spent.

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As Giz says. If your backs knackered it's worth it. Attached pic of adjustment. You can def feel it when the levers pushed forward but no where near the adjustment of the electric seat.

Does anyone know of a diagram showing the adjustment available on the electric seat ?


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Does anyone know of a diagram showing the adjustment available on the electric seat ?

The electric passenger seat control is a mirror image of the electric driver's seat - with a blank plate where the memory function buttons would be.


From the book of words...




Control elements on the seat » Fig. 73

A  Seat adjustment

▶ 1 - Move in the longitudinal direction
▶ 2 - Change in inclination
▶ 3 - Change in height
B  Adjusting the seat backrest
▶ 4 - Change in inclination
C  Adjusting lumbar support
▶ 5 - Change curvature
▶ 6 - The degree of curvature change
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