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Columbus CD Rip

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No i mean that my nissan hdd will automatically record a cd when you put one in, but the option to do that is blanked out on the superb screen. I can however, record to the superb hdd from an sd card. Just seems very odd that you cant do it from a cd...

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But someone has to own a physical cd to rip in the first place?



If I owned the CD and you borrowed it then copied the tracks to your HDD that wouldn't be legit though. ;) Somebody owns the CD.... But it isn't you.

Edited by WaveyDavey
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I wasn't trying to be difficult I was just pointing out that it may well be copyright issues in this particular country that means Skoda don't enable that option for use here??? ;)

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Could it also be that the CD has DRM protection so the unit cannot rip it. Have you tried various discs etc....

Edited by WaveyDavey
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So i can rip MP3 files from an SD card to the hard drive, but i can't do so from a CD. Why is that??

Semantics, but you're not ripping from an SD card. That process was already done to create the mp3 files in the first place.

What you're actually doing is directly copying existing files/folders from an external source to the HDD (Jukebox). No conversion or alteration of the source files takes place.

Yes, the Nissan Music Box can "rip" a commercial audio CD, but Columbus can't.

If the CD/DVD is a homemade disc with mp3 files (or any of the other supported file formats) then the option to transfer from the disc to the HDD will become available.

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