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Looking for advice and suggestions for a bootliner for my L&K hatch when it arrives.

I need protection for carrying my dog and mountain bike.

Not many companies are geared up for the new Superb yet.

Had a look at Rhino UK which looked pretty good.

Any suggestions welcomed.

Thanks in advance.

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I've been looking at hatchbag.co.uk, titancovers.co.uk as well as Rhino

Rhino does S3 hatch but the other two only do S2.

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Which company is that?

It was from www.hatchbag.co.uk. If they do not list the S3  on their website yet, drop them a line - they may still be able to help.  When I ordered mine for the S2 they sent one for the standard floor - which did not fit as mine is the low floor. They were really helpful - I ended up popping over to see them to get my boot scanned and they used that for the prototype for the low floor option. It would have been easy for them to say 'sorry, we don't do that one', but they went the extra mile to get it sorted out for me.

Edited by Inoffski
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