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What % foot well light brightness do you prefer ?

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What % foot well light brightness do you prefer ?


While in the day i hit up the foot well lighting to 100% thinking this would be the brightness when opening the doors not realising it was the foot well ambient brightness.  Was it bit off putting at 100% after sun set which resulted me changing it down to 20 or 30% to provide a slight element of in cabin lighting.


I may switch it down to zero depending....


How about you ?





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Off. It's a nuisance having it on. I prefer a dark cabin and besides, the lights come on when getting in or out. It would be OK if they weren't bright white. The BMW versions are a dim orange which is far less distracting and doesn't affect night vision. They have two orange LEDs in the overhead panel which very gently (on my setting) illuminate the console areas but nowhere else.

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