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Superb Estate Se-L - request for contact by owner

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Hello all,


I'm new to the forum after having Volvo's for the past 10+ years. Just picked up a new Superb :)


If anyone has a Superb 3 SE-L estate and could access it over the next few hours, without keyless, could they drop me a quick message as I want to ask you to check something on your car to compare against mine.


thanks in advance



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i'm trying to resolve something with a dealer - didn't want to make public until its resolved. i'll post back once resolved with them.

I've previously been a good contributor to the Volvo forum and both offered and used the wealth of knowledge available on that forum which has saved me £1000's, so I do know the value of them.

Will definitely be back in touch on this one shortly.

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OP has an issue with a repair and doesn't want to affect the outcome, in case the repairing garage views this site.



"For me to get through the toughest periods in my life, I had to look within to find the energy to do it. I don't give up. Never have. Never will"




Log Book
  # Date Miles Gallons MPG Price Note   6 3/21/16 608.00 17.586 34.57 N/A     5 3/10/16 568.00 13.534 41.97 N/A     4 3/2/16 558.00 17.670 31.58 N/A     3 2/21/16 485.00 16.487 29.42 N/A     2 2/14/16 426.00 13.724 31.04 N/A     1 2/4/16   13.666   N/A  

Coops       just been looking at your Fuelly chart and I think there is something wrong and resulting in inaccurate MPG figures. EG 17.67 Gallons fill4 that's 80.329 liters which is impossible as the tank only holds 66Litres, again at fill 6 you put 79.40 Liters in according to your record. These inputs would do as they appear to have done drastically lowered your MPG figures. To turn Litres into gallons Multiply by 4.55 eg 10 gallons = 45liters.  Maximum tank capacity in gallons is 14.518gallons. So at least 3 of your inputs must be wrong. Not complaining or anything but if those were my MPG figures I would be very disappointed think they will jump up a lot if you correct your figures.

As an example fuel fill 4, 558 miles if you put maximum fuel into the car 66 liters your mpg would be 38mpg not 31.5mpg.

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Not sure where you are picking those fill ups from but they are wrong.


You claim my last fill up was 79.40 litres - nope. 66.5 litres.


I think it's the settings in Fuelly - I've been using it for over 5 years now and know how it operates. They had to create a new vehicle type for the 2016 Superb as it wasn't listed, and I think the settings on the new vehicle defaulted to MPG, not UK MPG.


It's corrected now and showing properly.


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Coops as you suspect your app is working out in US Gallons Not UK gallons and is therefor giving you a false MPG, 608 miles divided by 66.5 liters multiplied by 4.55 to turn into uk gallons = 41.6MPG, 7.1 mpg more than doing the conversion from US gallons which is what was shown in your app. I glad you have change from US to UK gallons in the Fuelly app. hope this helps, gave me a shock seeing your low readings glad it is now sorted

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