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Checking Oil level

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Warning, one of those senior moments incoming.


When checking the oil level (150TDI) as you replace the dipstick it hits a tab (stop?) position and then you have to push the stick until it clicks and locks in. 


I guess like most I am used to making sure the dipstick is fully home to properly measure the oil level but in this case the manual is a bit vague.


"Wipe the dipstick with a clean cloth and insert it again to the stop."


Question. Do you measure the level on that first stop or after you have pushed it to the lock level?

The things us oldies think about eh?




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Thanks guys. I did read the manual which is what confused me (ironic that don't you think?). It was the use of the words "to the stop" in the manual rather than as you say Rick 'all the way in' that set my mind wandering into senility.


tks again for replying

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