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Squeaky driver's door (yay)

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A perennial favourite on all cars, my new S3 took a couple of weeks before the first squeak appeared.  :|


I park in an underground car park which means lots of driving up and down ramps and negotiating sharp corners.  Over the last few days it had begun to squeak just by my right ear and my initial thought was the door card rubbing on the metal of the door as a result of the low ambient  temperature.


Long story short... the door seals were causing the squeaking.


Sitting inside the car and pushing the top of the door outwards produced the same sound as when traversing ramps and tight bends.  I've just doused the seals with AutoGlym Tyre and Rubber care, including the felt lined seal right at the edge of the doors and that's cured it for now.


No squeaks from the passenger side but that door hasn't been opened as often.


If I could invent a squeak-free door seal I'd become a millionaire  :$$$:

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