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Modifications and the Warranty


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this may sound stupid but if i upgrade my headlight bulbs does that invalidate my warranty too?

It invalidates any claim that is (or could be) caused by the change.

If the wiring melts because you put 100w bulbs in then you are on your own.

If the back wheels fall off then the bulbs are irrellevent and the warranty would still stand.

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dr Z has got it right. generally if the modified part doesnt not affect the broken part then the warranty would still stand....

but every dealer is different..... if your in the NE then there is a certain skoda dealer which is very usefull but obvs i cant say on public. but generally it very much depends on the dealer more than anything else so i would suggest asking them about anything and see what there response is

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The rule of thumb is that if you mod anything, warranty COULD be voided on the whole car, but it's likely to be restricted to parts that may be impacted by the change. Now that's where the fun starts - as changed suspension could impact on a lot of stuff theoretically.

In practise most dealers will be reasonable though :)

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I did warranty for 5 years and I have seen some REAL mods.

Now if you go modding the engine like mad and a door lock goes , then that will not be invalidated.

If you put lowering springs on , then you will invalidate the warranty on things like the whole suspension.

But alot of the times if you can prove that it has not faultered because of the springs then there will not be a problem.

If the shockers go because you have lowering springs on then that will be down to yourself.

But I dont think there are many issues with the suspension warranty wise.

But the benifit from lowering the car is great.

So it is up to you.


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