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Sticky clutch pedal

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I have checked on the search tab for this as my car is doing it during the cold weather but it is out of warranty and was wondering if it was a recall or not and does it go away again when the outside temp increases or is it the start of the master cylinder going all together?

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When I had my clutch replaced, I then found that my clutch peddle would sometimes stick (infact this was confirmed by a dealer). I then had the master (or slave) cylinder replaced.

All well and good, but they forgot to top up the fluid, so then when I drove it later, it went ping ping ping - break failure!

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I thought I would pass on information from Skoda customer care regarding brake master cylinder problems.

He said and was very helpful indeed that it is not a product recall and it will only be covered under the usual manufacturer's warranty (unless you have bought it second hand from a Skoda dealer and get the extended warranty from them).

He also said that in the warmer weather the seals will return to normal and there will be no problems with part failure.

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Untill it goes cold again ;)

Also check for overrev after the job, shift above 5k. hen mine was done the small sensor switch was moved/ broken, it caused an implausible signal to be sent on clutch movement, which casued the engine to throttle flare on shift...odd how software works.

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