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Owners intial comments on his BMW 140i


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11 minutes ago, vrskeith said:

Anal owner?



Oh dear he reminds me of urm me! Over 29,000 miles my 245 Octavia averaged 40.39mpg and the latest Long Term maxidot was 39.8mpg so mine was under reading unlike his BMW. His figures suggest his 77 tanks over 431 days means stopping for fuel every 5.6 days which let's face it is a right pain in the anal region. Also his actual 26.98mpg against the computer 27.65mpg is nothing to shout about in such a small car.:blush

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My M135 (old school rwd version) averaged around 32-34 on the motorway, this was checked by brimming the tank (I always fill to the brim when refuelling and the trip computer was within 1 mpg of true). You could get more if you drove sensibly in 'Eco' mode. A colleague who has the M140 says he gets around 38 mpg on the motorway and I have no problem believing him as firstly, it is more economical than the M135 and secondly he drives it like he's seen a police car in his rear view mirror. As I posted recently in the Kona thread, I have discovered my Kona under-reads the mpg of the car by 10%. Go figure. Never had an under-reading trip computer. It's only done 1,500 miles so far, but it certainly no more economical than the M135. Either a triumph for BMW, or a smacked wrist for Hyundai? 

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1 hour ago, shyVRS245 said:

If it's so good begs the question why do BMW not fit it as standard equipment unless they enjoy scaring their customers.



Not having a LSD isn't scary, at least not on this car, at least not in my 3 years of owning a M135i (almost identical car to M140). The power simply spins away from the inside wheel or wheel with the least grip. The traction control helps reign it in a little of course, so you can push the rear out to a degree, but I don't think I was ever scared by the lack of a LSD. I would have liked one for the fun factor though.  :) 

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19 minutes ago, vrskeith said:

An anal owner of each wishes to report /compare & contrast/ discuss?

The most interesting thing about that video was the daft biker overtaking him at high speed with double white lines clear in the shot. Think Mark Briggs bought this car so that he could stare at his initials on the BMW badges.

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48 minutes ago, vrskeith said:


Perhaps he is entering the 2021 BTCC with that wrap. Bet they have a giggle if he can afford a proper service at a BMW dealer. Wow that launch control was impressive as he deployed the 480bhp ;) I wonder if he left the handbrake on because my 150PS diesel would disappear before he starts moving. :D

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