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Tuning box


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I am not talking about the cheap £15/£30 tuning box's i am talking about the digital tunung box's such as the Dragon digital for example.

I have a Dragon fitted on my Superb, and am very impressed with the results, all i'm trying to say is that re-maps are not the be-all and end-all, frankly the tuning co's that are coming on to defend re-maps are obviously just trying to protect their revenue by scare mongering, Dragon give excellent support and backup as i'm sure the other guys do with their re-maps.

And as for the results, well i'm sorry but the digital box's do give the same results and in some cases better results, i've seen re-maps that cost £500 for an extra 23 bhp, wheras my dragon cost £200 for an extra 40bhp and its not set anywhere near max. believe me cost is not the issue, if I thought a re-map was actually worth the extra money i'd have bought one instead, but I couldn't justify it over a digital box, it simply isn't worth the extra £300 IMO.

As for heinz beans/value beans WTF??

Just out of interest, what does the one click thats just been GB'd re-map the power to?

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Errrm, I think you'll find on any RR that isnt optimistic a tuning box gives worse results than a custom remap. having said that i am sure my rr result is also slightly optimistic (195 bhp).

rr shootout to find out the winner :D :confused:

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We had 1 guy on the rolling road day had standard readings with a tuning box.

We took it off and it run slightly better.

He had not had the car lomg and did not even know it was there.

There are so many.

But there will always be someone who doubts what ever you have.

There is an old saying "You can only please some of the people some of the time.Not all of the people all of the time"

Each to their own.


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Errrm' date=' I think you'll find on any RR that isnt optimistic a tuning box gives worse results than a custom remap. having said that i am sure my rr result is also slightly optimistic (195 bhp).

rr shootout to find out the winner :D :confused:[/quote']

A custom re-map? yes, a normal generic re-map? no.

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Yes it's a custom forgot to mention that :eek:

Even most generic remaps (custom code is a prime example) develops 180 bhp on most vehicle's, and this is an ACCURATE figure.


Look at how smooth the graph is (the delivery), the torque doesnt tail off to nearly 3k rpm by which time the BHP figure is really getting going. Sorry but no tuning box can do this (well not yet anyway).

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Sorry, had to post this:


Josh with the custom code remap shows as a REVO remap but was really custom code before it was released :D

Now look at the "BHP" from the Dragon web site (very reputable tuning box manufacturers):


So there you have it, a 24 bhp difference. And since the tuning box won't take into account your cupra intake or green filter, the max your likely to see if 165 bhp if your lucky. Need I mention again the graph showing how smooth the delivery is from the custom code GENERIC remap.

Oh and stolen from one of my old posts explaining the difference in different tuning methods:

The resistor in a box type boxes con the engine management into delivering more fuel by giving a false fuel temperature reading. The fueling is altered throughout the rev range at the same rate. They are good for a modest increase in power but on later cars can cause the engine management light to come on that will need to be reset by a dealer or VAG-COM. At some points in the rev range you maybe overfueling at other points you may not be producing the maximum power that is available for the airflow available.

The more complex tuning boxes intercept signals to either the engine management or electronic fuel pump (Depending on engine version) and will modify the signals the car receives. The better ones will adjust fueling depending on air flow/throttle position/load/etc. On the adjustable units you can trim them to take advantage of all the air available at standard boost pressure and make sure you are not producing smoke.

A remap has a big advantage over the tuning box because you can raise boost pressure as well as fueling. On top of that a good tuner can produce a map to suite your driving style or preference as well as protecting drive componets from shock loads.

A few variables remaps take into account:

Variable valve timing adjustment

Rev limit adjustment

Boost limit & level adjustment

Dual maps for use with different fuel grades & types

Water Injection

Nitrous oxide progressive injection

Bigger/supplementary injector handling

Variable induction control

Full throttle gear changes

Idle speed stabilisation

Hope all of the above info helps.

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Your origonal comment:

i've seen re-maps that cost £500 for an extra 23 bhp, wheras my dragon cost £200 for an extra 40bhp and its not set anywhere near max. believe me cost is not the issue.

And now:

my main point is that £ for £ if your not that interested in modding the car apart from either the re-map or tuning box (as I am) then you cant beat the results of the tuning box for the price[/b'].

Errrm, a slight contradiction there. Your basically saying a tuning box gives 40 bhp, a generic remap gives 23. And cost isn't an issue in your first post, then in your later post it is? I do understand what your saying about a cost saving, but you get what you pay for.

Whilst I do realise that a re-map that has been adjusted to take into account all the other modifications of your particular vehicle will ultimately give a better result




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No it's not a contradiction at all, as I said i've seen re-maps that only give 23 odd BHP, (some give more than that but not all re-maps are the same) the Dragon does give more than that, when I say a custom re-map I am not talking about the brand 'custom' I call a custom re-map one that is set up either on the rolling road or out on the real road and fine tuned to the particular car. a generic re-map is a map like you get in a car as standard, its the same for every 1.9 130 PD engine and doesn't take into account any particular quirks for your individual engine. No one is claiming false information either, i'm sure if you look in the archives you will find the print outs of Dragon Box's on the rolling roads, but as they aren't my printouts I dont have the right to show them.

Cost isn't an issue as in me being able to afford either modification, believe me I can, I just spend my money wisely and cant justify the extra money for the little gain in some cases (and less in others) you get with a generic re-map over a Tuning box. I did get what I paid for <£200 for 40odd BHP. that'll do nicely thank you very much.

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a generic re-map is a map like you get in a car as standard, its the same for every 1.9 130 PD engine and doesn't take into account any particular quirks for your individual engine.

which is what the custom code 1 is.

it's a generic remap, not tailored for any mods, out of the box. uploaded from a standard tdi 130 engine and produces (well on Josh's anyway 184 bhp), cars which dont have a green filter & cupra intake could expect approximately 175 i assume (although i cannot vouch for this).

p.s. sorry if my previous post sounded ar$ey, it wasn't meant that way.

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Hi Jon

You sound like my dad.

He does not like spending money too.

That is why he has some.

But I must point out to you that Custom-Code Phase 2 is NOT done on the rolling road.

This IS done on the raod.

You cannoy make the rolling road give you the same readings as would be on the road.

You need to take in to account bends and potholes to srart with.

Phase 1 is generic that Hellfire has stated.


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No it's not a contradiction at all, as I said i've seen re-maps that only give 23 odd BHP, (some give more than that but not all re-maps are the same) the Dragon does give more than that, when I say a custom re-map I am not talking about the brand 'custom' I call a custom re-map one that is set up either on the rolling road or out on the real road and fine tuned to the particular car. a generic re-map is a map like you get in a car as standard, its the same for every 1.9 130 PD engine and doesn't take into account any particular quirks for your individual engine. No one is claiming false information either, i'm sure if you look in the archives you will find the print outs of Dragon Box's on the rolling roads, but as they aren't my printouts I dont have the right to show them.

Cost isn't an issue as in me being able to afford either modification, believe me I can, I just spend my money wisely and cant justify the extra money for the little gain in some cases (and less in others) you get with a generic re-map over a Tuning box. I did get what I paid for <

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which is what the custom code 1 is.

it's a generic remap' date=' not tailored for any mods, out of the box. uploaded from a standard tdi 130 engine and produces (well on Josh's anyway 184 bhp), cars which dont have a green filter & cupra intake could expect approximately 175 i assume (although i cannot vouch for this).

p.s. sorry if my previous post sounded ar$ey, it wasn't meant that way.[/quote']

Not at all sir :)

Ok so the Custom code 1 then is obviously a decent re-map, but they aren't all that good! as said, i've seen some that only give 23 extra bhp, but then I suppose there are crap tuning box's as well. If i'd paid

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Not at all sir :)

So I guess the outcome is - if you want a re-map then custom code are the ones to go for' date='[/quote']

I beg to disagree. Its not quite so 'cut - and - dry'. The One - Click gives a :D performance AND you can return it to standard for warranty, sale ( and, ahem, other ) reasons yourself, in about 4 mins!

John. :orb_sneak

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