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Silver or Red vRS ?

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Hopefully ordering a new Fabia vRS tomorrow, and torn between silver and red. Any practical issues/benefits with either of these colours ? e.g I have a silver Fabia and it doesnt seem too bad after 5 years, few stonechips, does Red fair the same/better/worse ??

Cant go for yellow, wife has a yellow mini ! And I cant go for black, as already have a 2005 Yamaha R6 in black, and its a pig to keep clean.



P.S. Spec so far :

ESP + Side Airbags + Cruise + Heated front seats

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Black and just keep it clean. ;) It doesn't suit red at all, just looks like a normal fabia/and a toy. If you get silver and have a bump and need a panel repraying you will never get as good a colour match as new. :(

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"If you get silver and have a bump and need a panel repraying you will never get as good a colour match as new."

I am afraid I will have to agree with that, someone left a dint in the rear 1/4, left no name. Insurance job and I can tell that it is a slightly different shade.

I should take it back to the repair bodybody shop and complain, intially picked her up in the wet!

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if you want to blend in, and go about your business un noticed - silver. Works for me. No one looks twice. Until you leave them choking on diesel fumes :D

Have to agree with that, although I got noticed and admired at the jet wash today :)

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Black is no worse to keep clean than the others - all the yellow and silver ones show up the soot on the back - not a good look. :thumbdwn:

Get black - you won't regret it.

However - if I was to get another, it would be silver and I'd go for a Josh-esque smoooth look! :thumbup:

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Sliver sliver sliver into a silver silver silver.

Red screams boy racer :D Black is hmmmmm ok, yellow is fantastic.

I think it looks classy in silver, but I am not biased at all ;)

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Silver is difficult to accurately match if you need a paint repair.

Red paint is known to be very soft, and fades.

Black is very common, and may be difficult to keep clean.

Yellow is very uncommon, and may be difficult to sell.

Personally I think Black looks the best, and I'm not the only one. I looked at autotrader last week, and I bet 60%+ of the vRS's for sale on there were Black. I also noticed some good deals on Yellow ones. At the end of the day the colour options are very limited, but I'm sure you'll soon get a big grin on yer boat whatever colour you go for :thumbup:

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When I get mine I'll probably go for silver. The red looks nice when new but a bit 'boy racerish' :) !!

Red tends to oxidise and fade after a few years, you often find the plastic parts end up a different shade to metal parts. Plus red will show up scratches a lot more.

So, silver it is then. Have you considered black though? :rolleyes:!

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Red cars tend to get that white bloom over the surface after a few seasons of usage. But like the man says, you should wash and wax it frequently to avoid this. If it does start to fade, you can always T-cut it, and then apply some quality polish, it'll come up like brand new. :thumbup:

At risk of being verbally abused :eek: , I would say that Black or Silver are the best. If you look at the interior, the seats are Black and Grey (Silver) and so go very well with a Black or Silver exterior. My initial choices were Black or Red, as my previous car was Silver. I think if the seats were all Black, then I would have chosen a Red one, although I would have preferred a Graphite Grey or Candy White one if they were available in those colours.

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For the Fabia, I would go with black, silver is boring, red is boy racerish and, Yellow should be available only to Octy's (sorry guys but small cars in yellow just look silly ;) )

never thort i was a boyracer! Yellow def an octy vRS mk1 colour, don`t think new vRS would look good n yellow tho, not good on fabia at all or any other small car i`ve seen it on (punto, mini, cinquecento etc). I think the red looks very close to ferrari red. just need a v8 upfront to go with it! :thumbup:

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