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Servicing the Fabia vRS - do the dealers even know the correct info ?


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You need so have an annual inspection each year so if you'd had the lube service, you would have had to go back for an inspection service before the year is out. The idea of the lube service is to save people who do 20k a year from having to pay out for 2 annual inspections when they only need one :D


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The standard servicing regime:

10k miles or 12 months

20k miles or 24 months

30k miles or 36 months

etc, etc

So for these you would pay for an annual inspection + oil change + anything specific to that service.

However, if you do 20k miles in a year, you can opt to defer the insepction to the 20k service and just have a lube service at the 10k interval. I suspect not a lot of Fabia drivers do more than 10k a year which is why the lube service isn't openly advertised by a lot of the dealers I've visited....


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When you have your car serviced what is the point of carrying out the oil change etc without doing a check on everything there.

I think it is more of a ply by the dealers to get more money off you.

After you have a service the car requires another one 10,000 miles of 12 months after your last service.


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When you have your car serviced what is the point of carrying out the oil change etc without doing a check on everything there.

I think it is more of a ply by the dealers to get more money off you.


Skoda specifies the service internvals not the dealers. ;)

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