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Revo technik free trial?

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Guys.. Am thinking of going to my local specialist revo technik in darlington .. they offer free trial revo install .. is it worth it get it try out :thumbdwn: :thumbup: ?

Is there other tunin remapped worth to try out ??

cheer :D

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If you do have the REVO trial installed, make sure that the original map is reinstalled afterwards or you will have a modified car for insurance purposes. I am not aware of any other remaps which you can try before buying - but they might just exist. Like many other members, I am very happy with my Jabba custom remap. :)

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i have had 3 rs all have been remap by revo, the trial lasts 6 hours of driving time and goes back to the original software with no problem at all, if you get it remaped by revo the dealer canot even tell, i got mine done at blaydon in Newcastle and have had 160mph on the clock, 0-60 in 6.4. cost £499 for 4 bar 218bhp and with filter takes it to about 238bhp.

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If you do have the REVO trial installed, make sure that the original map is reinstalled afterwards or you will have a modified car for insurance purposes. I am not aware of any other remaps which you can try before buying - but they might just exist. Like many other members, I am very happy with my Jabba custom remap. :)

APR Also do a 6 Hour remap, I have found it super smooth and had no problems when I went back to stock........just too slow!

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Hi Rob, several members on here have the Revo software and are very happy with it.

If you are t'up North then without travelling too far there is a reputable tuners at Peterborough (Jabbasports) who offer custom remaps and have provided a long standing "group buy" facility for us (well over 100 cars have gone through the group buy so far!).

I'm a bit futher down south and my car is mapped by big turbo specialists Impossible Performance - but being in Kent they might be a bit far to travel ;)

Either way - if you go for the Revo free trial (and i suspect you will :D ) make sure you check with them that after the trial has ended that it definately goes back to your original map that you had beforehand.

...of course if you love it - who cares as you will buy it anyway :D

Good luck and let us know how you get on. Be warned though this is the start of a slipperly slope of modifications - just like Pringles... once you pop you can't stop! :D

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Just to echo what everyone has said about the REVO trial. Your car will not revert back to your original map, you will still have the REVO software resident on the ECU and as such could invalidate any warranty you may have (although I suspect you have considered this as you are looking for a map).

ReMaps are a very big talking point, many people have their own favourites, it's not all down to the mapping though, you should be confident that your tuner will look after you and offer you the best service.

REVO is extremely popular with the SEAT boys whereas Jabba is a pretty firm favourite amoungst members here. Custom Code is one that is growing in popularity as is the Impossible map that Dave mentions.

A few others are AMD, Forge Motorsport, RICA, GIAC (http://www.vag-tuner.com/), Superchips

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~200 quid for a 10-20% increase in power (torque curve was beefed up considerably), although I'll go with a fly-by-night modified car insurance company next year for less, hopefully.

APR here, which has changed the car dramatically.

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If you do have the REVO trial installed, make sure that the original map is reinstalled afterwards or you will have a modified car for insurance purposes.

And during the trial your car is modified as well so you need to inform your insurers (not , I'm sure that anyone does)

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