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Rolling Road Day - BRISKODIAN's welcome.


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There is not going to be an easy answer to finding a "central" that is good for absolutely everyone.

AMD in Bicester is a well connected, easy to find and geographically central if you don't live too far north of Leicester.

Sheffield can be a hell of a drive if you are really down south, but again it is well connected and easy to find. I know people who regulary do Shefield to London in about 3 hours. I live in South Wales and both of these places take roughly 3 hrs to reach, but as I have a nice car that I enjoy driving I don't find either a problem.

It makes sense to work from the preferences of the majority. It just comes down making a decision...

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Look on SCN and uk-mkivs, the awesome RR days they have run RR days at awesome GTI ( MK-ivs day had 36 cars run across one day, 3 runs per car for your money on arguably the best rollers money can buy, Dynojet single rollers).

The good thing about awesomes setup is that you have the RR indoors at the rear of a huge workshop so YOU are inside and can watch the action, both the car and a separate screen they wheel out for spectators to see the figures as they happen!

If the briskoda RR day is to be in the next few weeks it makes for a much more enjoyable day if you are in the shelter of a modern clean workshop....not stood huddling in the rain and wind trying to watch it from the back of a car in a RR bay that you are not allowed into!

I've been to many a RR day with, MKivs, SCN, MX5NUTz etc and the on thing really memorable about winter events was numb feet and leaving earlier than intended due to our lovely weather!

Awsome also have drive in at the back of the workshop onto the RR, do the run then drive out of the front of the workshop makes for a faster turn around and a far more interesting day for the spectators, which lets face it you spend most of the day being once your car has been on!

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Starperformance RR day with the guys at SE was £20 a head and that was with the barbeque too, ok the chef was pish (Blackmagic) but other than 4 days of the runs it was well worth it :)

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Starperformance RR day with the guys at SE was £20 a head and that was with the barbeque too, ok the chef was pish (Blackmagic) but other than 4 days of the runs it was well worth it :)

Maybe if you just ate 6 rolls instead of eight you'd have been OK.

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JBS used to be £25 all in...

For that you got a colour print as standard and a .pdf or .jpg of the plot emailed to you on request.

Their rollers have been consistently bang on the money.

No one has been able to explain to me convincingly why Awesomes type of rollers have such low transmission losses compared to every other dyno I've seen or read about. And don't tell me it's because they're more accurate, as that doesn't cut it.

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No one has been able to explain to me convincingly why Awesomes type of rollers have such low transmission losses compared to every other dyno I've seen or read about. And don't tell me it's because they're more accurate' date=' as that doesn't cut it.[/quote']

The best way Jim Cotton put it to me is.......If a car was really losing 35bhp and upwards through the drivetrain / tyres etc then do you honeslty think you could push it on your own?

We should all be looking at WHP anyway, Flypower is just for pub talk as the only way you will truely measure it is to whip your engine out.

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Yes our prices are £25.00 all in.

There will also be the pretty printouts with this.

We have done many rolling road days.

Myself I am looking forward to getting on with the rolling road days as I do enjoy them.

We will also class this as an open day so there will also be a 10% discount on ALL products with the BBQ thrown in too.


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Maybe need to start a poll Helfire with a few options. Then get a price, our last one at Star was £20, with free BBQ, but it's too far for Non Scots, Awsome want £30 ( no food but 3 runs) and JBS £25 with free food, but you may need a few other options and should consider a 4wd RR if there is demand for it

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No not free , but they are very cheap.

You know that I have to go shopping the day before to get you all the stuff nice and freash.

Last year I even got some bits in for the Vegetarian that was coming in.

Plus they was all nice and freash.

I do like these meets as it gives me chance to get you all in have a chat and sell you something ;)

With the discount too.


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