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Rolling Road Day - BRISKODIAN's welcome.


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Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

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Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

12) Makefish - (Probably won't run, but will come along anyway!)

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Looks to me like we could have two rolling days with the interest generated on the JBS and AMD lists


I mean its gonna be those two. Just a matter of sorting out dates. It'd be good if it was the same date. We could have a friendly competition. 'Monkeys' vs 'Shandy Drinkers': ie. highest average BHP and Torque figures on the day. Also if there's a barbeque at both venues, 'Biggest Sausage on a Hotdog' (Categories in: 1) Weight 2) Length 3) Girth). :rofl:

.........can you tell I'm bored today........

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Looks to me like we could have two rolling days with the interest generated on the JBS and AMD lists

Fair point walkie - apart from the people who are on both lists, if the two happen on the same day. Could be interesting... :D


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Fair point walkie - apart from the people who are on both lists' date=' if the two happen on the same day. Could be interesting... :D


But how many who are on both lists, will actually do 2 RR days?? Although, it would be good for RR comparisons!

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Yeah a North vs South rolling road day sounds good!

Even better if its held on the same day ;)

As Verr Err Ess said having a little freindly competition would be an excellent idea!

Would be excellent having it on the same day - making for a busy time on here when everyone get back. Graphs, plots and arguments flying all over the place! :rofl:

And I wonder if anyone will make the 'two RRs in a day' challenge?!! :cool:


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Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

12) Makefish - (Probably won't run, but will come along anyway!)

13) AvRS (depending on date, wkends best)

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Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

5) Fluffmeister

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

12) Makefish - (Probably won't run, but will come along anyway!)

13) AvRS (depending on date, wkends best)

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Right guys we have had news in that we are going to be looking at mid march with the rolling road now.

But I have had confirmation from James that we can have a full blown open day with many prizes that can be won!!!

We will be doing show and shine also pizes for the nearest guess of bhp!

There will be a BBQ and it is my birthday mid March so I may even bring some cake! ;)

So at the moment we would be looking then.

Oh yes the 10% discount will be on also.


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Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

5) Fluffmeister

6) Black Magic

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

12) Makefish - (Probably won't run, but will come along anyway!)

13) AvRS (depending on date, wkends best)

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There will be a BBQ and it is my birthday mid March so I may even bring some cake! ;)

So at the moment we would be looking then.

Oh yes the 10% discount will be on also.


Scary - its my birthday in mid March too :thumbup:

What date is the RR day likely to be? - hopefully it will not clash with my birthday celebrations

Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

5) Fluffmeister

6) Black Magic

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

15) drm_jones

AMD Bicester, Oxfordshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) VRStu - AMD or Regal

3) SkodaLover (Date permitting)

4) walkie

5) mpopevrs (Date and funds permitting)

6) Octygone. (Out of money, so no run, but I'll come along to meet everyone)

7) Decron

8) Boyced

9) Matt_D

10) Flatfourburble (depending on date)

11) Beretta (date depending)

12) Makefish - (Probably won't run, but will come along anyway!)

13) AvRS (depending on date, wkends best)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome GTI, Warrington nr Manchester

1) Daver

2) Bouron

3) Wardy

4) Faboka vRS (Trying to increase the numbers for Awesome)

5) Fluffmeister

6) Black Magic

7) Hawk

JBS Chesterfield, Derbyshire

1) Tom_vRS

2) HellFire

3) Verr_Err_Ess!

4) Bouron

5) Decron

6) Wardy

7) 150HP&Counting

8) Dsmithmobile

9) Beeftech

10) bryand

11) Flatfourburble (Depending on date)

12) daz_vrs

13) vrsfab

14) Daver ( well might as well join in the fun to keep it up North....would be rude not to!!)

15) drm_jones

16) Hawk

Can it be on any of following please.... 11 or 12 Mar 8/9 Apr or 15/16 Apr as im off work.....

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How about JBS?? OR Awesome as long as the Rolling Road is a good one and the price is right....

Put me down please

That's the two northern companies that are being considered, given that this is likely to be in March and that the good old british weather is likely to make a derisory appearance I would say that Awesome are the best bet by far as the RR and the viewing area are inside a huge workshop, maybe JBS when the weather is a bit warmer with the BBQ in mind:D

Add your name to the list as you see fit

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