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As is obvious I'm trying to give myself a crash course on my new to me 02 vRS by searching the forum and asking lots of questions. Sorry if I've missed old threads in my searches!

Mine is apparently chipped and producing 225. I'm going to take this to a tuner to find out exactly what has been done and what she is producing. Some questions for my sanity...:

Chipping is diff to a remap it seems - should a chipped car also be remapped or not?

Should (either for the sake of the engine given the extra bhp or for better performance) I get 'peripherals' like the air filter upgraded? If so - what basics should I change and what parts are recommended. In my bike days it was always K&N filters - not sure what the betters are for cars or if they are even worth it. Also any other mods recommended?

Any FAQs or old threads on mods for numpties like me that anyone can recommend.



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Hi Sean

I would say that what you have in your car would possible be a remap rather than a chip

The air filter to go for also would be the Green Cotton Filter

We have sold LOADS of these.

These are found to be more popular as the K& N are as these are thought to be too greasy for the Air Mass Meter.

There is alot of information on what can be done to these engines to help you with performance.

I would have thought that the remap would be the Revo one.

www.jbsautodesigns.co.uk is our web site.

Have a look on there as we have a monster of Octavia`s with 440bhp without the Nitrous switched on.

So we know about your car and how good they are.

Hvae fun in your search I am sure you will love it.


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