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Time to warm up - CR VRS

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Since having my FL VRS I've noticed it takes quite a while to warm up, even for a diesel. 10-15 minutes is not irregular now it's cold in the mornings (and I keep it in a garage overnight) and this is with gentle driving on quick roads - 60mph for about 6/7 minutes before I hit around 5 mins of traffic then up to 70.


My Fabia VRS never really took that long, just interested to know what is 'normal'.





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Diesels take longer than petrols to warm up and produce heat from the heater.  My 2012 vRS CR certainly takes a lot less than 10 minutes to produce warm air even when the temp is less than 7C and I am driving at 30-40mph.

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If you mean the temp gauge then in the winter it'll take about a week!!!...well it feels like a week in my car. I can drive 20 mins to work at 30 mph and the gauge doesn't move!!! It's been like that from new....plus it means the aircon is freezing :(

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Diesels take longer than petrols to warm up and produce heat from the heater.  My 2012 vRS CR certainly takes a lot less than 10 minutes to produce warm air even when the temp is less than 7C and I am driving at 30-40mph.



Yes I am aware they naturally take longer to warm up but what I was trying to say was when compared to my Fabia VRS Mki it seems to take a lot longer. 


Are you talking about the water and oil


Mine always takes a long time to warm up now the ambient temperature is lower, although the air comes out of the vents warm reasonably quickly.


Yeah, I am. Oil temp rises steadily behind the water as expected. Just takes a long time like you say!


If you mean the temp gauge then in the winter it'll take about a week!!!...well it feels like a week in my car. I can drive 20 mins to work at 30 mph and the gauge doesn't move!!! It's been like that from new....plus it means the aircon is freezing :(


Thanks, sounds about normal then! Case closed :P


Cheers all.

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