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New VRS run in !!!!

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Hi Guys

It's run in now and no complaints so far.

The tracion control and stability programme work really well as they dont cut the power too much and allow you to keep your foot in and it sorts out the tracion.

Trying to get a compfortable driving position has been difficult but have found a compromise at present. (The scooby was really good in comparison)

i think the pedals are a bit close relative to the dash so steering is at full extension.

Average MPG during the last 1000 is 26 MPG on a run down the M11 the other day keeping up with traffic 50 to 100 MPH it averaged 31 MPG.

I expect the average to drop to low 20's as I get into normal x-country mode.

On a long run it is a very nice place to be, climate control on radio on loads of torque for easy overtaking in 5th or even 6th.

Still waiting to hear from Tinter on when he can do the windows, If anyone talks to him get him to contact me please.

I will be looking to "chip" it soon any sugestions on where would be the best place to get it done ?


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Look on www.superchips.co.uk, they do one for the Golf 2.0T GTi. I'd imagine they would do it for the same engine in the VRS (www.superchips.co.uk/curves/vag2lfsiturbo.pdf) That puts it up to 241BHP and 317 NM (233lbft) - Eeek! - R32 Mk4 Golf had 237BHP and 236lbft through 4x4 drive. Might be worth ordering new tyres now. Good thing is that they offer an insurance (Firebond PLC) backed warranty if your car does go wrong. Read the blurb on the site for more and your local dealer (loads in East Anglia).

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custom code by JBS auto designs is the current market leader in my opinion. It might not be about peak bhp power that some other tuners claim (such as 190 bhp), but in reality it is actually more than most (actually does produce usually 180 bhp) and the graph is very smooth (torque doesnt begin to tail off until 3,500rpm. most other tuners torque goes at 2,500rpm.

Do a search, this has been covered lots of times :thumbup:

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custom code by JBS auto designs is the current market leader in my opinion. It might not be about peak bhp power that some other tuners claim (such as 190 bhp)' date=' but in reality it is actually more than most (actually does produce usually 180 bhp) and the graph is very smooth (torque doesnt begin to tail off until 3,500rpm. most other tuners torque goes at 2,500rpm.

Do a search, this has been covered lots of times :thumbup:[/quote']

Think you'll find that this thread is relating to the new Octavia vRS with the 2.0FSI Turbo engine not the old 1.8T engine!! so are your points relevant?.

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Based on the experience of others on here, I'd steer well clear of Superchips.

I would not trust them to chip a King Edward Spud.

Only my opinion............................................................ based on experience.

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As per most new engines don't push it too hard for 1st 1000 miles but gently build up revs over a period of time.

let it warm up before putting any load on the engine.

Thave taken it to red line once today (1400 miles on clock) and found a private road on my travels and saw 135 easy.

The only problem is getting it off the line, why do I want more power ?

Mid range is answer and need to keep on the same planet as my mate who has just bought a fully re-built Maclaren, ex-Gulf le Mans car ready for road, don't know how much it was but in excess of £1.2 M.

This should sit nicely in the garage between his Zonda, Enzo, F40, GT2, Daytona,E55 (day car).

Nice guy and uses them for what they were built for, came past me ot over 200 last year in the Zonda on the continent.

Will keep you posted on Power developments and anything else that happens.


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Hello all.

About that chip, ive recently chipped my RS2 in Sweden by BSR and the numbers were really impressing. 248bhp and 390ish Nm. Soon to sort out the exhaust system too from the turbo and back.

Might add that its decent kick in the back now compared to the original.

They also removed the boostreduction when im on the brakes :thumbup:

edit: also reduced the fuel consumption, average 0.94l /100km to 0.81/100km

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This should sit nicely in the garage between his Zonda' date=' Enzo, F40, GT2, Daytona,E55 (day car).

Nice guy and uses them for what they were built for, came past me ot over 200 last year in the Zonda on the continent.


:eek: any photo's :thumbup:

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