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Clutch pressure plates.

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OK, had an issue with me Fabia VRS gearbox not engaging 1st and reverse gears after about 30 mins driving. Booked it into dealers fully expecting them not to find anything....Low and behold, get a call saying that the problem happened to the engineer when he road tested it and promptly started changing things.

1st was gearbox oil, no change.

2nd was gearbox out with suspected syncro issues, nothing found.

3rd Clutch!!!! ( Preasure plates screwed ) which would tie in with the fact that the car kept creeping forward with the clutch pushed through the bulkhead.

The guys have ordered a new clutch which should be fitted by monday ( they have given me a fabia 1.2 in the mean time....eewwww its crap ).

My car has only covered 6000 miles and all the work is being done under warranty, so for any of you suffering issues and doing nothing about it ( as i have read on here ) I would sudgest you get it sorted.

I`ll let you know the outcome once i get me car back.

PS.....has anyone else suffered this problem and got a result yet????


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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update for you...The guys at skoda fixed my clutch, took them 3 days to do it though, which annoyed me somewhat as i had a crap 1.2 fabia ( worst car ever bar none ).

as for the service from the dealership, well all i can say is CRAP.... promised back to me saturday morning, got it back tuesday night, and only because i took thier crap car back and sat in the showroom. I recieved no phone call to tell me it was done, the EXTENSIVE test drive they took the car on was 12 miles!!!!! and to top it all off i got the car back with 6 nice big scratches inside the rear drivers side passenger door, a loose engine cover, and i even had to pay for the diesel for the test drive..

So to sum up, THANKS SHERLODGE GARAGE, you will not be recieving my custom ever again, I`ll goto another dealer, and once my term is up with the car, i`ll buy something from a Jap firm, they know how to look after people, and the cars dont break after 6000 miles........

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Done 31k on my standard clutch, no problems at all. There must have been a fault with yours as normally clutch failures fall under wear&tear = no warranty.

12 miles for a clutch could be extensive testing as they were probably testing 1st and reverse mainly, so not exactly gonna clock up miles....

As for the scratches, loose engine cover, having to pay for the diesel :eek: and the delay without contacting you, that's very poor.

The 1.2 is not a performance car, I didnt think it was crap particularly but it's a car designed for low cost, not performance, so obviously no comparison to the vRS.

Those scratches should be sorted FOC by the garage, and I would insist on my money back for the diesel as that's taking the P imho.

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It has been known for the fingers on the pressure plate to be damaged.

This would then not be down to wear and tear but as a mechanical defect.

The second being covered under warranty.

If ever anyone has any problems they should go back to the dealer principal and get it noted.

If you still fail to get any joy then get in touch with Customer Care.

They are all the time monitering the way dealers are handling their customers.

Skoda have laways been very big with J D Power and still like to be up at the top.

So give it a go.


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I am on my second clutch allready. they said there was nothin wrong with the first one but it was slipping, a mechanic took it out for a spin and confirmed it was slippin so it was changed under warranty.

i noticed yesterday if i have the car out of gear with the clutch pressed down then come off the clutch quciky the revs drop about by100 then return. if the car is not in gear it should not do this right?. try it in yours.

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