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Are there any women on this forum apart from me?

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Got rid of the hubby.

My son finnished off the Laguna in to a tree.

But I must admit it was not the nicest of cars to drive.


Rough Justice eh! Wouldn't surprise me if the Laguna drove itself into the tree anyway.

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(im famous on here i tell ya!:P)

i don't drive yet, when it stops getting so icey i will learn and then watch out:P hopefully going to get a felicia but then when i am earning enough money i want to get a silver furby vrs!:P black shows the dirt two much and yellow and red seem too bold and basic colours. silver has that special thing to it:P

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I have been reading with interest the threads on the briskoda website and there seem to be very few women writing. Are there any other women out there who have a fabia vrs?

I have had mine for 18 months' date=' done 21000 miles and love it, the best little car I have ever had. I am having mixed feelings about having to change to an Octy 2 elegance estate in March, though i think this also looks a lovely car. I need lots more space because both of my parents have now become somewhat disabled. But I also need economy to travel back and for to work. So I have had to compromise on all fronts.

I am no slouch but sometimes I don't think I drive my little furby vrs to the speeds that it was made for, too many speed cameras for my liking! As I'm now in my mid forties my husband tells me I'm getting over my mid life crisis that made me buy the vrs in the first place! But I have to say I will miss it.[/quote']

Hi Katieclogg - I don't get on here that much but Hi. We have a mystery blue Superb.:)

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