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Variable servicing 1.9tdi

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The 1,200 mile warning has come up on my Octy 2 1.9pd tdi at 17,500 miles.

My Octy 1 110 tdi had services at 25,000 and 50,000 and 75,000.

I don't think my driving has changed radically between the two cars and I still do the same type of journeys.

Have VAG realised that they and their dealers were missing a trick and reduced the service intervals??


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The 1,200 mile warning has come up on my Octy 2 1.9pd tdi at 17,500 miles.
You should be able to find details of service intervals for your car in the Service Schedule (service record booklet). It would be interesting to know if the interval has in fact been reduced from 30K (max) to 20K (max) for the Octavia 2 on variable servicing.
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...............It would be interesting to know if the interval has in fact been reduced from 30K (max) to 20K (max) for the Octavia 2 on variable servicing.

IIRR brochures for new Passat and the Jetta mention 20k miles max. That makes variable a lot less attractive IMO. Any techs. on here aware of problems arising from the 30k limit which I think only ever applied to four cylinder diesels. The first V6 diesel had a limit of 22k IIRR. My 110 TDI is heading towards its third variable at six years with 64k on the clock and the service indicator saying 4k to go.

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Talking to service people at my local main dealer about top-up oil, service intervals etc. and he said when they take the old oil out after these long intervals it looks terrible - "chopped to pieces" was the way he put it. General servicing is one thing but I'd never use oil for more than 10k, and when I could crawl about underneath myself I'd usually change it at 5 to 6 k. After all, it is the lifeblood!

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It would be interesting to know if the interval has in fact been reduced from 30K (max) to 20K (max) for the Octavia 2 on variable servicing.

Can't find anything on the Skoda or VW UK sites about changes to the variable servicing interval. The VW site still has a document detailing the original schedules.

On the Audi UK site there it says there will be a change w.e.f. all 06 plate cars to the following regimes.

Inspection Service Regime

Oil change service - every 10k / 1 year

Interval Service - every 20k / 2 years

Interval Inspection Service - every 40k / 4 years

Longlife Service Regime

Interval Service - flexible to a max.of 20k / 2 years

Interval Inspection Service - every 40k / 4 years

I've not found any details what comprises any of these services for a specific car or engine.

To me they look just like new names for the existing services because there are 40k / 4 yearly jobs to be done in the existing Audi regimes which are just referred to as "additional operations" or similar.

The only significant change appears to be the reduction in variable servicing maximum mileage interval.

I have e-mailed Audi customer service to enquire if this lower mileage limit is applicable to cars already on the road

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Talking to service people at my local main dealer about top-up oil, service intervals etc. and he said when they take the old oil out after these long intervals it looks terrible - "chopped to pieces" was the way he put it.

A service person whose eyesight has microscopic capability and can do a molecule level assessment! That's some asset!

Seriously though new oil in VAG TDIs is as black as the ace of spades as soon as the engine has run for a short period. Always been the same since my first TDI in 1992 regardless of whether the servicing is fixed or variable.

Had a gander at the oil on the dipstick from a Toyota Avensis 2.2 diesel the other day. With almost 10k on the clock the oil was virtually clear with a faint, dark haze.


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