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Furby 1.4 16v looses coolant


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Hi ppls.

About 2 month ago i started my car in the morning, and heard the annoying 3 beeps, and the temperature lamp began flashing.

I switched the car off, then on again - this time no beeps no lamp.

Of course, I went to check the coolant level and found out that it is only about 1/4 of the tank. Naturally, I topped it up and forgot about it.

Then, after about 2 weeks the same scenario.

I checked the system for leaks (visually only), and found none. Also checked the oil cap for the oil/coolant mixture (ppl call it "mayonaise"), but lucky me - found nothing.

The coolant level still drops, i have to refill it about every 2 weeks.

Oh, and another thing - i think there is a smell of coolant under the hood after almost every drive.

Where else could i check ? Any ideas?

Thanks for your attention.

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