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Permanently Disable Stop/Start

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Hello to all,


This is my first attempt at asking this Forum for guidance so if I am asking a question which has previously been discussed then please disregard.

I love my 65 plate Skoda Superb DSG but The auto stop start is not for me. I just think of the wear on the starter and battery, the extra work of the alternator to recoup the power used starting the engine and all for a cup full of fuel. Mine usually stops just as I'm pulling onto the only roundabout in our town and then a hurried rather jerky start ensues along with much blood and ficken. 

Can I disable it or perhaps get the car to recognise the last settings entered. I keep forgetting to press the button and after all, it's my car and I would prefer it to do what I ask and not what it thinks is best for me. I do understand the reasons for it in big cities but where I drive in the West Highlands it is a pretty useless feature. Any help offered would be much appreciated

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It is particularly annoying with a DSG. With a manual, it only stops when you put it into neutral and take your foot off the clutch, so if you don't do that, it never cuts out. 


It can be disabled, but you either need VCDS or OBDeleven. 


If there is someone in your area with either, they may be able to help you out. 

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Welcome. It can't be permanently disabled. You need to turn it off yourself each time you drive the car.

To be able to disable it permanently requires use of VCDS or similar. There are plenty of old threads on the subject as well as the pinned VCDS thread.

Stop-Start is disabled if the voltage falls below 7 volts. With VCDS you can increase this trigger to just over 12 volts - meaning Stop-Start never activates.

Check the VCDS owners map for someone close to you if you want this done.

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It never bothered me too much with manual but is a real pain and a bit dangerous with DSG IMO as you can be left stranded in the middle of a junction.  It doesn't help that it also tends to cut out when the car is still rolling to a stop and you don't have full control over the steering as I discovered a few times!  I just automatically disengage it now every time I sit into the car.  Will consider VCDS if I get a chance at some stage.

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  • john999boy changed the title to Permanently Disable Stop/Start

Welcome to the forum you lucky lucky person.


For me i just hit the A/C on and disable stop start at junctions, and i would do that if taking a jaunt down to Oban for a Fish Supper.


If i was at beautiful Clachan Seil / Atlantic Bridge the A/C would always be on other than when temp were cold enough to inhibit A/C so Stop / Start would never be enabled.


Edited by Awayoffski
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In theory disabling stop/start permanently would mean the car no longer complied with the type approval certificate and would need re certification for emissions.


Now we all know that stop/start saves no more than a thimble of petrol a year but on my last 3 cars (including the Superb) it has save me at least £100 a year VED so I love it.


In crawling traffic or in areas with lots of traffic lights I simply press the button like I have in the previous 2 cars.


If I hated it that much I could press the button every time I drove the car. Its not hard in reality, no harder than opening a window, turning the A/C on, turning the radio on etc etc.

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LOL, yes in theory.

Pity that Skoda never bothered with rubbish batteries in Mk3 Fabia so that Stop / Start is more often inhibited than working in those small family hatches.


What happened to VW Group so far with VW Group in the UK with Type Approval of Euro 5 TDI's that might or might not comply with Type Approval if the get the fix which is voluntary.


What happens when Stop / Start is faulty in VW Group vehicles and Main Dealers disable it while waiting for the supposed Factory Fix?


You just do the Youtube ' How to disable Stop / Start by changing the 'Heating / AC' perameters'  SIMPLY CLEVER.

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I've developed habit that when I'm about to come to a short stop, I subconsciously just switch off the SS from the center console, almost like a muscle memory. Also if I know I'll be having lots of stops such as traffic jam or tight city manouvering, I'll just switch it off "permanently". So in short what I'd recommend is to make it a habit if possible. Or make it a habit to just switch it off every time you start up the car. I personally like the nice quietness/silence that comes with SS when there's a longer stop :)

Edited by Martastico
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What I find amusing is the different views on different websites.


On the Leon Forum where stop/start was very reliable some owners wanted to disable it permanently just like they do on this forum


But on the Nissan and Kia forums (we had a Kia and the wife has a Nissan) the opposite is true because its fair to say the stop/start is pretty poor compared to VAG.


On 7/29/2017 at 18:00, Awayoffski said:

Pity that Skoda never bothered with rubbish batteries in Mk3 Fabia so that Stop / Start is more often inhibited than working in those small family hatches.


It seems the batteries are barely able to support full time use even if the cars are used out of town and its fair to say on both our cars its only worked about 30% of the time and rarely in winter. Owners have threatened to take the manufacturers to court because they have not been given a fully working stop/start system and when I have pointed out to them it only saves a thimble of fuel even when its working correctly yet save at least £100 in VED a year simply because its there they only get abusive.


One owner with a Kia followed advice from a fellow drinker at his local and fitted a larger battery. He was told on the forum this was not a good idea but ignored it because a bloke down the pub knows better than Kia. Well it trashed the alternator because it was the wrong type of battery. And because he had modified the electrical system he lost the remainder of the 7 year warranty on all electrical parts. Money well spent.


I seem to remember some years ago both Fiat and Citroen fitted stop/stop systems. Basically they stopped the car as intended but since the clever controls that exist today that prevent them from working unless all the parameters are met had not been developed the cars had insufficient battery power to get them going again.

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I was going to get it disabled, but have now got used to switching it off everytime I start the car. It is useful to turn the engine off in stationary traffic to save a bit of fuel.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi the stop/start can be permanently disabled by disconnecting the battery voltage sensor on the negative battery connector.Takes 2 minutes and it's easy,make sure to reconnect it before the MOT or they may fail it.

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1 hour ago, johnham1 said:

Hi the stop/start can be permanently disabled by disconnecting the battery voltage sensor on the negative battery connector.Takes 2 minutes and it's easy,make sure to reconnect it before the MOT or they may fail it.

Hi, does this throw up any sort of a warning light ?? (or affect any other systems)

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11 minutes ago, johnham1 said:

The stop/start is not part of the MOT,this came from a MOT tester.


All well and good until you meet a MOT ‘Nazi’ - I had one a couple of years ago - he was taking ages to do the paperwork so I popped my head through into the office and asked if there was a problem - “not sure” he said and went onto explain that he was searching for confirmation one way or the other about my Golf not having its engine cover on……..he was convinced it was a ‘fail’ but couldn’t find the relevant section so I got a pass. Jerk! - Not been back there since.

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19 hours ago, johnham1 said:

Hi the stop/start can be permanently disabled by disconnecting the battery voltage sensor on the negative battery connector.Takes 2 minutes and it's easy,make sure to reconnect it before the MOT or they may fail it.

Surely the battery voltage sensor doesn't just supply the SS system with information?

I mean it's great if that's literally all it's there for, but at a guess, I'd say it was used by other systems in the car.

Off the top of my head, (and I'll grant it's not a vital function :D) I had a message in my Octavia telling me to take the car for a drive as I hadn't used the car for a bit during lockdown and the battery level was getting low. Presumably that function uses the battery voltage sensor too.

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My understanding is that part of the function of the voltage sensor is to restrict battery charge to around 80% when charging from the alternator - allowing capacity for regenerative charging under braking or 'coasting in gear' conditions.  

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On 28/07/2017 at 23:06, Superb170 said:

It never bothered me too much with manual but is a real pain and a bit dangerous with DSG IMO as you can be left stranded in the middle of a junction.  It doesn't help that it also tends to cut out when the car is still rolling to a stop and you don't have full control over the steering as I discovered a few times!  I just automatically disengage it now every time I sit into the car.  Will consider VCDS if I get a chance at some stage.

Actually jyst put it into sport at junctions and yiu will be fine.

done this on every auto. Odel I’ve had with stop start.

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El 8/11/2021 a las 8:13, JR RS dijo:

He estado ejecutando el módulo de memoria Start-stop en mi Superb durante más de un año, ha sido brillante.

siempre recuerda, al reiniciar, el último estado en el que dejé el inicio-parada, y siempre puedo presionar el botón de inicio-parada para reactivarlo cuando sé que me detendré en las luces por un tiempo.


no es necesario "engañar" al coche alterando los voltajes con VCDS / OBDEleven.



In AliExpress, the same cable is much cheaper.  I have been using it for a year and without problem.

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21 minutes ago, Gabrielem said:

In AliExpress, the same cable is much cheaper.  I have been using it for a year and without problem.


Yes it is - I bought mine from AliExpress for half that price.


I just posted that link for reference.



Edited by JR RS
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