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First Service Today


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My RS had its first 2 year / 20k service today but I'm a bit unsure about what the dealer is telling me

1 I requested it remain on variable servicing after they tried to get me onto fixed when booking it. The invoice clearly shows "carry out 20k mile service (variable service) - supply long life oil" but they have filled it with 5w-40 oil at

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My furby is one the variable service schedule, is it 2years or when the light comes on, dealer tolde me 12 months or light (perhaps a diesel thing). And I was told that the variable service needs a different sensor to the standard service.... Last I heard your tight 0w-30 is the variable oil (other half's car started on variable service but I had it switched over last service as it wont be doing the milage it had been).... but could have changed recently....

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1. All the VW spec 503 00 oils that I know of are 0W-30. Ask the dealer to confirm (ie prove to your satisfaction) that the Skoda-branded oil put in meets that spec. If it doesn't, get the oil and filter changed and report the dealer to Skoda UK.

2. Get the dealer to correct the entry in the service schedule, put a sticker on the side of the dash, and satisfy you that the car has actually been set for variable servicing. Go to another dealer and have the car checked on their VAG1551/2 if you are not satisfied that your dealer is telling the truth. If they aren't, report them to Skoda UK.

3. The car is due a brake fluid change every 24 months. The service schedule says that this should be carried out during Inspection Service, if possible. This gives the dealer some leeway to wriggle out of doing it with your 2 year/20K service if that came before 24 months have elapsed, but makes no sense from a customer's point of view.

It doesn't sound as if the Service Manager is on the ball. His/her job is to set your mind at rest, not to leave you feeling dissatisfied. BTW, which dealer is it?

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My furby is one the variable service schedule, is it 2years or when the light comes on, dealer tolde me 12 months or light (perhaps a diesel thing). And I was told that the variable service needs a different sensor to the standard service.... Last I heard your tight 0w-30 is the variable oil (other half's car started on variable service but I had it switched over last service as it wont be doing the milage it had been).... but could have changed recently....

Errm hang on.. as far as i know, the Fabia vRS is fixed servicing only!

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Yes, and not a bad price for it either.
That's because Jane and I both go to a very nice dealer! :)

Although I'm trying to stay away from them right now, otherwise i'll end up test driving the fab vRS, and I'll only end up signing my life away (again!) :D

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Now spoken to another dealer, selected at random from Skoda UK website. They were very helpful and advise that

1 The only long life oils for variable services must adhere to VAG 503.00/506.00 or 506.01 and ALL of these are 0w-30. The 5w-40 oil (500.00/505.00 and 505.01) are only for fixed service intervals

2 The brake fluid MUST be replaced after 2 years regardless of mileage

NOT happy with my dealer

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Report the dealer to Skoda Customer Service AND get him to put matters right. And repost or copy your posts in the dealer's thread in the Skoda Dealerships forum.

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Rang the dealer and advised that I had spoken to another Skoda dealer and that the 5w-40 oil was definitely wrong. In addition I queried the brake fluid and they admitted they should have changed it but "well, you would have had to pay for that sir". I'm sorry but isn't that a bit like saying well we should have carried out a service but you would have had to pay for it so we didn't do it -are you really really sure you want us to do it!!

An hour later they rang me back and said "yes, you are right sir we have put the incorrect oil in (wait for it) we didn't know there was more than one long life oil"!!!!!!. From a Skoda main dealer. That is real scary stuff. What else don't they know

Anyway, the car was already booked in today for a small warranty claim (the centre section exhaust bracket weld had given way causing a loud rattle) so they agreed to change the oil and brake fluid all free.

In addition I made them alter the service book, check the service indicator was set correctly and confirm that the rest of last week's service was carried out to manufacturer's standards (still no courtesy wash & hoover though). However, no matter what they say I have little confidence in them and won't be using Queensborough Motors in Glasgow again.

Just in comparison, my wife's Almera GTi was in with Arnold Clark for a service on Friday and, whilst there are those that knock AC, their customer service was first class and their costs cheaper (and the car was washed and hoovered, despite being reasonably clean before the service)

An e-mail is about to go off to Skoda CS suggesting they invite Queensborough's mechanics down for some training

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