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Why do we still have rev counters?

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Lights in during the day are not a problem because it's light, no lights on in the evening is because it's dark.

Also why do people not put lights on when it's raining it's called adverse weather conditions.

Sorry that's my pet hate.

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10 hours ago, IJWS15 said:


Off topic but|:


Actually auto lights should be banned, there are too many driving around with headlights on in daylight, too brain dead to realise the lights are on when they are not needed and inconveniencing others.


Fog lamps should be switched via  a relay so they can't come on when the ignition is started unless deliberately turned on.


Even Xenons should be banned - construction and use regs should limit light output, not power input.  In the dark you should drive to what can be seen, not fit brighter lights which inconvenience other drivers, so you can go faster.  


I do have Xenons (which came as standard but there were other things on the spec that l wanted) and the auto lights are used in manual except in Europe when they are used in "Tunnel" mode which is what the feature is really aimed at.



I don't see how having headlights on during the day is incoveniencing anyone, unless of course they are on main beam.

I would rather have my headlights on when the visibility is marginal and for me the brighter the better.

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Motorcycle headlights come on with the ignition. Daylight running lights are mandatory in Europe. All new cars come with them. (Come to think of it, I've never tried to switch my DRL's off. I don't know if you can?) Visibility is good, for both parties.


The dealer said just leave it on "A", and that's what I've done.

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I agree, headlights on in the day does nothing but increase your visibility to other road users and is the best idea to make sure you don't get rammed.


I find the Auto headlights work brilliantly and never have to intervene. I do like the way the Superb tells me if they are on or not though which is a feature that should be on every car now that they make the clocks light up regardless



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3 hours ago, facet edge said:

I don't see how having headlights on during the day is incoveniencing anyone, unless of course they are on main beam.

I would rather have my headlights on when the visibility is marginal and for me the brighter the better.

I agree. The last four cars I’ve had. The lights have always been on auto. It’s so simple. You don’t have to worry about leaving them on. :cool:

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