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Modification to tilt driver's seat

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I had a search of the forums and couldn't find anything on this.  Also, please feel free to move if in the wrong place.


Just wondering if anyone on here has ever tried modifying their driver's seat to tilt the front up a little?  I've seen something on another site that suggested they fitted a 1inch steel bracket to the front to raise it up to create the tilt.  It looks to me like they've just raised the runner that the seat is on.  Am going to have a look at this on my MkI Octavia L&K.  Has anyone done this?  Anything I need to be wary about in the seat?  It's not electric so presumably no issues there.


If this seems odd, it's because I'm 6'4" and I'm struggling to get the current seat comfortable.  My other car has a tilt function and this makes all the difference.  Gives added "under-knee" support and increases the distance from knee to pedals which reduces the ankle twist I have to use on my right leg.


This is probably madness and perhaps an easier solution would be some form of cushion under my legs but I've tried a few and they have an alarming tendency to start to slip with gear changes.


If anyone else has experienced anything similar and found a solution please let me know.  I love the car otherwise and would prefer to find a way around this issue for longer drives.

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Yes, I was scrabbling under my seat at lunchtime and I see that the seat is actually fixed on a central runner, rather than on two runners either side.  Presumably a spacer/bracket of some sort in the middle would work.  Just hope that after doing it my frame (I'm no lightweight) doesn't bend the runner if it's not flush with the floor of the car.

Don't suppose Skoda or anybody else makes a part specifically for this?  Going to have to mock something up in the garage


--puts thinking cap on--

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