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So I went and bought a Jaaaag

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This is part of a series of explanations of the new M3/4   I think they might have a lot of explaining to do :D I still like the styling, love the engine and expect it to be seriously quick, but IT'S TOO BIG AND HEAVY!!!!  Anyhoo if anyone is bored




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I don't know why I bother sometimes. I don't normally see certain posts, but against better judgement thought I'd read a couple. 


I already posted an actual description of my link (not a 'cant be ar$ed to bother writing any actual content myself) and in it described my link as part of a series.  But to have a 'mere' link posted from the series that I had already gone to the trouble to describe, is salt in the wound. Looks like back to the ignore list...




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2 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

I don't know why I bother sometimes. I don't normally see certain posts, but against better judgement thought I'd read a couple. 


I already posted an actual description of my link (not a 'cant be ar$ed to bother writing any actual content myself) and in it described my link as part of a series.  But to have a 'mere' link posted from the series that I had already gone to the trouble to describe, is salt in the wound. Looks like back to the ignore list...




Hang in there Lady E.

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On a personal level, I have no objections to occasional posts that are purely links, most do it including myself, but  endless link posting kills threads and shows a lack of commitment and effort to the forum. I've posted in the past that I would prefer that 'link posters' refrained from any thread I start, but it falls on deaf ears... or eyes... or something like that. How hard is it to actually put your fingers on a keyboard and bother to put a tiny bit of effort into constructing a 'real' post occasionally? Maybe we are dealing with a form of 'bot'??? 


Even in his own threads I checked one and the last 8 post where pure links, not a single words of text. 



Edited by Lady Elanore
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The designer of the next gen 4 series has said he felt that the car had to split opinions. They wanted to do something different. I suspect the fact that the Chinese love big grills had more to do with the styling than they would like to admit 

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18 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

Although I also think these renders look superb. Now that is a car I could live with 




The World Needs A BMW M4 Shooting Brake | Carscoops

I quite like that in the yellow/gold.

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If you live in the USA the M3/M4 would look great but once a front number plate is fitted it undoes all the hard work of the design team and leaves it looking.......awkward. Alfa Romeo avoids this by moving the numder plate to one side which somehow looks better IMHO.

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1 hour ago, shyVRS245 said:

If you live in the USA the M3/M4 would look great but once a front number plate is fitted it undoes all the hard work of the design team and leaves it looking.......awkward. Alfa Romeo avoids this by moving the numder plate to one side which somehow looks better IMHO.

Good point!

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2 hours ago, shyVRS245 said:

If you live in the USA the M3/M4 would look great but once a front number plate is fitted it undoes all the hard work of the design team and leaves it looking.......awkward. Alfa Romeo avoids this by moving the numder plate to one side which somehow looks better IMHO.


The number plate makes it look like it's got a nose ring...

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