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What have you done to your Superb III today?

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I got to do it, to replace the top ornament trim,  but cannot find the time ... 😔

4 hours ago, Mcpollo said:





it looks pretty simple and easy... did you try yourself and is as simple as in the video?




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Not today, but we've been away with the Superb for 22 nights on a road trip to Lithuania.  We went out on the Stena ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland, then went east past Hanover, Berlin, Poznan, Warsaw, Bialystok, Kaunas and finally to Klaipėda for 11 nights, where we rented an apartment.  We went on to the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, for 3 nights and returned past Alytus, Bialystok, Warsaw, Dresden, Cologne and spent the last night in Calais before taking the ferry to Dover.


The car didn't miss a beat and it all went very smoothly.  The only additional expense was a parking fine in Klaipėda received when we were visiting father-in-law and the car was parked here. 


I noticed parking ticket machines in another road, but I didn't see any signs that you need to buy a ticket if you park here.  SWMBO's brother lives nearby and has parked there many times and he's never had a ticket and he didn't know you needed to pay.  The ticket was a flimsy printed paper that would have been washed away if it hadn't been dry as the weather was hot with a few very heavy thunderstorms.  I showed the ticket to my brother-in-law and he paid it for me.  I probably would have got away with not paying it, being in a UK registered car, but the ticket was only €1.50, so it was hardly worth taking the risk.  It's strange that it was so little as I should have paid €1.50 for a ticket, so there doesn't seem much point in buying one if you stand a chance of not getting caught!


The record of our road trip.





We're taking a break at the motorway services at Kaunas in Lithuania.



The car had to endure some rough roads on our trip.  We are leaving Lithuania and entering Poland, where the Polish road ahead is excellent but the Lithuanian road is a rough surface where they're carrying out improvements.


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6 hours ago, Graham Butcher said:

@Penpusherstrange how there are no signs or road markings like yellow lines?

There's this sign at the end of the adjoining road.


If you spin round through 180º there's a ticket machine on the corner.  It's not clear what area is covered by the charge and I thought I was out of the area.  To make it clear, they need more signage.  Yellow lines wouldn't work unless they repaired the surface as they wouldn't last 5 minutes on a loose and potholed surface.

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A while ago I somehow broke the spring on my 12v flap socket in the boot


Tried to fix but no chance so £18 lighter for a new one and all installed


Horrible job half the plastics had to removed and even more because I dropped the screw for the 12v down so even more plastics had to be removed, blew a fuse when i undone the screw n all


Too hot to work so I hate cars again, but it’s all back together 

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2 minutes ago, Danoid said:

A while ago I somehow broke the spring on my 12v flap socket in the boot


Tried to fix but no chance so £18 lighter for a new one and all installed


Horrible job half the plastics had to removed and even more because I dropped the screw for the 12v down so even more plastics had to be removed, blew a fuse when i undone the screw n all


Too hot to work so I hate cars again, but it’s all back together 

One of those 15min jobs that turn into a nightmare. Not restricted to cars either. All too familiar.

I've downed tools in this warmer weather. Siesta time. 

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16 minutes ago, defsix said:

Can you tell me more about "remember DSG after restart"?

By default, if you select Sport mode and after restart, mode will be in Sport mode, but DSG will return to "D" mode

You can edit your FPA dataset to prevent this.

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Finally managed to use the wood batten from my old summer house as a test to use in front of my Halfords ramps, it was successful but sketchy in an auto even with auto hold off


Without the wood the front bumper would touch the ramp, now it’s all good I can finally start my own oil changes, some other day…

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3 hours ago, Danoid said:

Finally managed to use the wood batten from my old summer house as a test to use in front of my Halfords ramps, it was successful but sketchy in an auto even with auto hold off


Without the wood the front bumper would touch the ramp, now it’s all good I can finally start my own oil changes, some other day…

I made some car ramps out of 2.0" angle iron when I was an apprentice in the '70s. Arc welded them all up & they were really strong & weighed a "ton". Couldn't carry both of them at the same time!! 

Ramp angle was fine for '60's & '70's cars at the time but would be no good for modern models. I lent them to a "mate" & never got them back😒

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