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ESP Hill Start Assist

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Have a '55 Octavia L&K DSG - The hill start assistant, which is part of the ESP package doesn't work. It is supposed to hold the brakes on for up to two seconds (while you transfer your foot from the brake pedal to the accelerator) when the gradient of the hill exceeds a certain value. Skoda UK has not responded to three e-mail enquiries over the last three weeks and the Dealer does not inspire confidence. Any ideas anyone ?

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No hills around here for me to try mine, but i read it was 5 degrees, facing uphill.

The DSG being an auto (ish) wouldn't need hill start assist would it?

I thought it was only for cars with the electronic handbrake? i.e. new passat, didn't think Skoda had the electronic handbrake?

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The DSG being an auto (ish) wouldn't need hill start assist would it?

I thought it was only for cars with the electronic handbrake? i.e. new passat' date=' didn't think Skoda had the electronic handbrake?[/quote']

Sorry , mine is manual. The handbook says it has it, along with brake assist, EDL, hill start, and some other nanny electronics, that you cant totally turn off :mad: .

Safe car tho. :thumbup:

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I have an L&K with the dsg gearbox and it does not hace hill start assistance. That is part of the electronic handbrake fitted to the Passat - and not part of the dsg system. But why on earth would anyone want hill start assist with an automatic? An automatic by its very natire provides hill start assistant. For steep slopes it is one foot on the brake one foot on the accelerator and away you go.

By the way having test driven the Passat I found the electronic handbrake a real pain in the ***.

Anyway who uses a handbrake with an automatic anyway! I drove automatics in the USA for 12 years and don't think I used the handbrake once in that whole time. Stick it in "Park" which locks the transmission and everything is fine. I have driven 5,000 miles in my Skoda and have only used the handbrake once - on a really steep hill where I had to park overnight.

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No. :) What's wrong with using the handbrake??? :confused:

Dunno. Best ask one of those inconsiderates who sit stationary with their foot on the brake blinding the poor so-and-so waiting behind when its after dark. :thumbdwn:

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From what ive been told on the course its fully automatic. It uses the ESP sensors to monitor an inclination. The front brakes are then held on. You accelerate against the brakes, when sufficient force has been reached for the wheels to start moving the brakes are released. It is done so quickly by the ABS ECU that is is effectively seemless in operation.

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Have now received a reply from Skoda UK Customer services. To paraphrase; The factory couldn't get the Uphill start of assist and the Driver steering reccomendation to work on UK bound models and even when they do its tough t***y for you my son as it won't be retrofitted. There was a lame excuse about the the Owners manual being printed in advance of them finding out they couldn't get these systems to work -"not developed sufficiently", was the actual phrase. There was no Errata in the manual.

The sales brochure dated June 2005 clearly shows the six discrete components of the ESP for a price of £365. How much do you think they should give me back?

My car was actually built in September 2005 and registered mid October.

Does anyone have this feature working on a car that is of the same age ?

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