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Purposely cut hole in intercooler pipe


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I have come accross a strange a hole whilst carrying out maintenance, which looks as though it has intenionally been cut with a grinder into the bottom intercooler pipe.


I assume I am losing boost and power although it feels normal and strong.


It's a hardpipe kit and I'm struggling to find the pipe for sale as a singular item, they all seem to come in full kits at mega money. 


Should I not be driving it in the meantime?  


Any help and advice would be much appreciated.





Edited by FABsilverVRS
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That has been done by something rubbing on it, maybe that pipe has a previous life. You need it welding up, is the car smoking at all because it will be running a little rich under boost


Also looks like traces of gaffa tape around that area, maybe been bodged in the past? looks a pretty crappy install. Also, why is the towing eye snapped?


My favourite bit is all the sharp edges where somebody has hacked at the cross member with a grinder.

Edited by SuperbTWM
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It has very little smoke, little puff on start and small amount when pushing it. 


Aluminium weld......tricky? I can't imagine it would be too costly. 


I must say it's kinda fun to keep these bangers going they are dirt cheap and components are cheap too and petty reliable. Unlike some who waste over £15,000 on a newish car which depreciates hugely as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.  And at the end of the day it's just a skoda isn't it, if I wanted something with respect I'd buy a higher calibre badge.  No matter what skoda someone owns they're just a poor man's Audi, at least that's what all the neighbours think, that we are failures for ownning one and lets be honest were all tight wads who own skodas when push comes to shove or else we would of bought a better badge.



Edited by FABsilverVRS
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Wrap some reinforced tape around and a couple of zip ties. I did this to my mates car as a temporary fix. A few years later when I was showing him how to change his brakes he told me he’d forgotten about the intercooler pipe and it still had the temporary fix on it. 

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