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Hi, I am from India and we bought a second hand 2004 Skoda Octavia which had run 120000 km and we expected some problems as it is a very old one. After buying it we drove it nearly a 1000 km. During this drive a stone hit the oil sump and some oil drained. We drove it for nearly 1.5 km before it came to halt by itself as we had no other option as we stuck in forest and that too in a tiger zone. A local tractor mechanic in a nearby village got the oil sump attached using a adhesive and we started slowly so that we can atleast reach a nearby city. From then onwards the oil sensor keeps on beeping but there is no leakage of oil anyomore. There was some change in braking effectiveness. Then we brought it to the city, the mechanic changed the oil sump and now there was no oil leakage but the senson beeps even today. The brake pad rose to a height and brake is even not that effective. Meanwhile don't know why the AC started to blow hot air. Please help me with the brake and oil sensor problem. We even changed the oil switch.

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