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Opening a deadlocked passenger door


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Well my wife’s 2010 Yeti suffered the door wiring problems many here have reported, causing it not to lock and mirror to stop working. Thanks to the great pictures by the Plumber (

) I was able to remove the door panel and then the wiring loom for fixing. Being the cautious kind I then plugged it in (before fitting it fully) to check everything was working. It was indeed so great news and £300 saved... however due to the late night I stopped & closed the door.. too late, I had left the door lock in locked position and now the door is closed and deadlocked without the wiring loom being connected. The locking mechanism itself is fine, just not connected to power (and the control unit) and the wiring loom doesn’t reach across to the drivers door.


any thoughts on how I could open the passenger door, any way to activate the unlock with a battery? Or do I have to force (and replace) the lock? And if I have to do that what will cause the least damage?


thank you..

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Sorry if I have misunderstood you. Are you unable to open the concerning door to gain access to plug in the door harness into the B post? Because providing the door harness is plugged into the B post simply connecting to loom back into the door then operating 'unlock' should work.

If the door harness isn't connecting to the B post then this makes things quite difficult (although I don't understand how it could deadlock if t door latch was unplugged). 

The door can be opened by damagingbthe door latch from inside the door.

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Hi Vasstech,

Thank you for your response.. The problem is indeed that the rear passenger door is also locked and can't be unlocked unless the wiring loom is working in the front door (not the best of designs). And you can also only seemingly open the drivers side front and rear doors even if locked..


Anyway, I figured out a way to fix it due to the saving grace that the lock was working, just didn't have any power. I connected the loom into the lock and checked which wires are connected. I then used a "custom" battery (9-12V) to put power into the lock and managed to unlock the lock.. I will write this properly up hopefully with pictures but for now it is seems to the blue & lilac and blue & green/light green cables which seemed to work. I "plugged" my battery into the control unit end.


Not pretty  but I have a fully functioning & open door again after laying the wiring look properly now before closing it...

Thank you..

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