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Removing & Replacing Emblems (Superb Mk3)


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1 happened about a year ago and yesterday my new woolly wash mitt took care of the other, both my L&K emblems have lost the curvy bottom from the & symbol and I was going to now replace both of them with




Any top tips for mounting these back in the correct position?, home made tips and tricks ? or is it just rough it up with a tape measure and a small spirit level and go for it ?


The only plan I came up with was to mask around the original ones with detailers tape; remove and replace


For removing the remaining parts of the existing ones I was going to gently heat up the area with a hairdryer and use a trim removal tool to gently prise away....a good method or not ??...


Many Thanks





Edited by Zenbasses
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Any source of heat is good, just keep it low as you're only melting adhesive - hairdryer on a low setting is perfect. I would advise against a trim tool to leverage as they're a bit unforgiving against your paintwork - string, floss or fishing line is perfect to work through the sticky stuff once it is warm.


You'll be left with the adhesive marks, so something like Goo Gone will clear it up. Give it a polish once the emblem is off before applying the new one.

Edited by Niyx
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Tape up as you’ve said but also take measurements in case these come off. Hair dryer to soften the adhesive and they will come off with miminal fuss. WD40 to clean any residue off. Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) or glasses lens cleaner to clean the surface prior to fixing the new decals. 

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Thanks both, glad that I am on the right track.


Never thought of using Dental Floss but that actually might work a treat if I get it under a lifting edge....


I have some IPA for cleaning the area so sorted on that front I also have some Chemical Guys Clean Slate in my box of tricks so hopefully covered.


Just got to wait for them to arrive now :) ordered this afternoon

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