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BSY engine 2.0 diesel problems


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can someone plz help with BSY engine 2.0 tdi. 


my car was driving fine. i come off the motorway and the car would not accelerate it just lost power. i called the AA out they sent a recovery truck out and i took it to my local garage. The garage inspected it and saw the cambelt was loose. 

a few mechanics had a look and the following was done to it:


took the engine head out and the specialist gave it a good clean and replaced one faulty valve. all other valve were checked with laser and they were fine.

a new timing belt kit was put in 2 weeks prior to my breakdown. 

the glow plugs were all checked and they seem fine. 


now the car starts again but following is now happening:

on cold start it will misfire but then eventually it will start.

once the engine is warm it will start first time ok.

the engine judders now and then. 

a smell of fuel.

did a code check and it says cylinder 3 or something. 




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@musaffir - Well, insufficient data to give you a definitive answer regarding the actual fault or legal position, but in the UK the responsibility for the fault, and all resultant bills would be with the company that fitted the new cambelt.

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