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Air con recharge


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Hi Guys,


last year the aircon in our Fabia well it was less nice and cold and more temped and irritating lol.


Ive been looking around for where to get it recharged as we are due some heat over the next week or so but other than quick fit I can’t seem to find anywhere.


any suggestions, and please don’t say Halfords haha 

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47 minutes ago, KenONeill said:

Yellow Pages - You'll find a list of franchise issuers who'll send someone to your home or work to do it.

Really I wasn’t aware of that, all the garages I’ve tried locally don’t do it which I found very random.


thanks for the info!

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2 minutes ago, mikey362 said:

all the garages I’ve tried locally don’t do it

No problem; the one time I asked a garage they said they'd call one of these guys in, and then charge me what he wanted plus £10, plus VAT.

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That’s a bit naff lol.


already found a guy just around the corner from my youngest as nursery so will be popping in there tomorrow before it gets hot! 

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