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Headlight misting


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Hello, as the title my Octavia headlight is misting up, drivers side only. 


Had it out 4 times now and dried it out with a hairdryer only for it to return. 


Car has xenon bulbs which run a bit cooler so maybe not burning any moisture off? I don't know, that's why I'm here. Had the car about 2 years befor it started. 


Anyone got any tips? It's now bursting my nut. 

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@VRSmarty - You've probably correct about the lower thermal rejection of the plasma discharge units making the issue worse. The base issue is probably that the front shield isn't properly sealed to the reflector all the way round. There just isn't an easy fix for this though.

(Mods, this is not a model-specific issue; a bad seal could happen on any car)

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26 minutes ago, KenONeill said:

@VRSmarty - You've probably correct about the lower thermal rejection of the plasma discharge units making the issue worse. The base issue is probably that the front shield isn't properly sealed to the reflector all the way round. There just isn't an easy fix for this though.

(Mods, this is not a model-specific issue; a bad seal could happen on any car)

Cheers Ken, think I'll get it out again and have a look around it see if I can see any breaks on the seal. Couldn't see anything the last few times I've had it out though. 


Just as well the headlights come out easily! Might need to turn it into a weekly maintenance thing! 

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