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Is there parts diagrams available?


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I was hoping there was exploded parts diagrams available. I need to replace some damaged roof vinyl (Monte), between the spoiler and the roof glass, but i dont know the part number. Whats the best way to go about this?

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38 minutes ago, BuzzBravado said:

I was hoping there was exploded parts diagrams available. I need to replace some damaged roof vinyl (Monte), between the spoiler and the roof glass, but i dont know the part number. Whats the best way to go about this?


Surely it would be easier just to get some gloss black vinyl off e-bay or the like?

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Thanks for the link Wino, it will be helpful. Unfortunately the black strip is missing off the list. 


Tech1e, i wanted it pre cut for a decent finish. If the spoiler was bolted on i'd just tuck an ebay peice under it, but the spoiler is bonded on so i'm not going to remove it first. That means getting a perfect cut without damaging the paint work, and i cant see me being able to do that. 

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4 minutes ago, BuzzBravado said:

Thanks for the link Wino, it will be helpful. Unfortunately the black strip is missing off the list. 


Tech1e, i wanted it pre cut for a decent finish. If the spoiler was bolted on i'd just tuck an ebay peice under it, but the spoiler is bonded on so i'm not going to remove it first. That means getting a perfect cut without damaging the paint work, and i cant see me being able to do that. 


 Part No 6V6853433041 £52.85 or 6V0853433041 £51.86 not sure what the difference is...

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