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Impact remaps - anyone used them?


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My garage of choice uses impact tuning http://www.impactremaps.co.uk for remaps and dsg maps. Now I know these aren’t my garages own maps and that they are buying them in but... has anyone heard of or better still had any experience using this company? Looking at their website they seem to promise the same as pretty much every other mapping company and quote similar figures. 

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1 hour ago, KenONeill said:

@Kamikazekid - Ask the garage for references from owners. They have to ask permission to give contact details under the GDPR, but "GDPR says no" is a refusal to give or failure to obtain permission to give references.

Sounds like a good idea. Shouldn’t be too difficult to be fair as it’s an independent garage that a lot of the local petrolheads use. I’ll ask around and see what comes back. 

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